Exchange Ambassador - Angelica V.D.

Profile of Angelica on exchange in the UK - find text below

Angelica Varela Diaz


Exchange destination: University of Plymouth (Plymouth, England, UK)

Duration: 2 Semesters

Program: Drama

High school: Rosedale Heights School of the Arts

One word to describe your exchange?

Who was the hardest person to leave when you went on exchange? How did you deal with that?
I missed my mom a lot but we skyped a fair amount and she even came to visit me and we travelled Portugal and Spain- her first time in Europe.

What is the worst thing that happened while you were on exchange? How did you deal with it?
While I was in England there was the Manchester attack and the London attacks; but I was incredibly impressed by how the English people refused to let fear interrupt their lives - it was quite inspirational.

How did you finance your exchange?
I used OSAP, and student bursaries- both from Plymouth and from Windsor.

What was the biggest cultural shock you experienced?
The actual schooling was very different, there was a focus on experimental european theatre that i had never thought to study before. It was odd but incredibly exciting.

What is something that you know now, that you wish you knew before you went on exchange?
I wish I had taken more opportunities to travel, it was so much cheaper to travel within Europe than i had anticipated and I wish I took advantage of that more.

Who was the hardest person to leave that you met while on exchange? How did you deal with that?
I still talk almost every day to some of the friends I made in Plymouth. With snapchat, IMessage facebook, etc. it’s almost hard not to keep in touch.

If you were to recommend exchange to your best friend, what would you say?
It's the most fun and most exciting thing you'll ever do.


A sample of the classes taken and credits received:

  • Received 3rd year Drama credit for courses such as the following:

    • Crafting Theatre

    • Performance Practices

    • Performance Praxis

    • Performance Lab

    • Performance Training