Search for President and Vice-Chancellor

Executive Brief in the Recruitment of the Eighth President and Vice-Chancellor (.pdf format)

Advertisement for the Eighth President and Vice-Chancellor (.pdf format)


Updates on Search for the Eighth President and Vice-Chancellor

Presidential Search Update
(February 25, 2025)
The Search Committee for the Eighth President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Windsor is pleased to advise that the recruitment process for the position continues to move forward according to plan. Invitations to apply for the position were placed in local, national, and international outlets, as well as on major academic recruitment portals beginning early January.  Copies of both the advertisement and the Executive Brief and Position Profile are available on our website. (
If you have any suggestions for candidates who could be approached to determine their interest in the position we again request you to forward them to our search consultant, Laverne Smith & Associates Inc., at, who will follow-up as deemed appropriate.
Presidential Search Update
(January 6, 2025)
The Presidential Search Committee met recently and advertisements for the Eighth President and Vice-Chancellor are being placed in a variety of media.
Search consultant Laverne Smith & Associates Inc. has begun seeking applications. Suggestions of individuals that might be approached to determine their interest in being considered for the position are welcome and may be submitted to Laverne Smith & Associates Inc. at All suggestions, including any associated documentation, will be held in strict confidence and reviewed only by Laverne Smith & Associates Inc, which will follow-up on suggested names as appropriate.​
The Search Committee will endeavour to keep the campus community updated as much as possible throughout the process, while maintaining and respecting confidentiality which is critical to the integrity of the search. Updates will be high-level, primarily outlining search process milestones.
As of January 2025, community feedback on the ideal candidate has been sought and implemented in the appropriate search materials, the executive brief has been approved by the Board, and the advertisement has gone out with candidate recruitment expected to continue late into the Winter term. As such, campus community members can expect a progress update near the end of the Winter term.  
The Committee encourages the community to consult the website for the Executive Brief, approved by the Board of Governors in late December, as well as updates. The website represents the best, most accurate information about the search:

Search Committee Membership

  • Shari Cunningham, Retired Area Manager, Ministry of Community and Social Services (Chair)
  • Bruce Minaker, Head, Department of Mechanical, Automotive, and Materials Engineering
  • Carolyn Brown, Chief Operating Officer, Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority
  • Ghallia Hashem, UWSA President
  • Isabelle Barrette-Ng, Head, Department of Integrative Biology
  • Jennifer Rooke, Partner, Mousseau, DeLuca, McPherson, Prince LLP 
  • Ken Alexander, Principal, Davenport Law Group Toronto
  • Linda Rohr, Dean, Faculty of Human Kinetics
  • Mario Sonego, Retired City Engineer
  • Reem Bahdi, Dean, Faculty of Law
Equity Assessor – non-voting member
Andrew Allen, faculty member, Faculty of Education
Search Firm
Laverne Smith & Associates Inc.
Committee Support
Renée Wintermute, University Secretary

Search Process

1. Feedback on Ideal Candiate Profile
The key priorities of the next President are refined and the ideal candidate profile developed following extensive feedback from key stakeholders, sent in confidence to the Search Firm. 
2. Executive Brief
The mandate and profile of the next President is outlined in the Executive Brief in the Recruitment of the President and Vice-Chancellor (see link above), which is approved by the Board.
3. Developing List of Candiates
Search Firms sends out advertisements and develops list of candidates.
4. Developing Short-List of Candidates
Search Committee develops short list of candidates.
5. Interviews
First and second interviews are conducted.
6. Preferred Candidate
Preferred candidate presented to an in-camera joint Board/Senate meeting, with approval sought at an in-camera Board meeting immediately following the joint meeting.