Friday, March 8, 2013


There will be a meeting of the Senate on Friday,March 8, 2013 at 2:30pm Room 203 Toldo  

1 Approval of the Agenda
Unstarring Agenda Items
2 Approval of the minutes of meeting of February 8, 2013
3 Business arising from the minutes
4 Outstanding Business/Action Items
5 Reports/New Business
5.1 Report from Student Caucus (UWSA, OPUS, GSS)
5.2 Report of the President
5.3 Report of the Academic Colleague Martha Lee Sa130308-5.3
5.4 Program Development Committee
*5.4.1 Undergraduate Program Review Annual Status Reports and New University Program Reviews and Responses Lionel Walsh Sa130308-5.4.1
*5.4.2 Program/Course Changes Lionel Walsh - Approval
a) School of Arts and Creative Innovation - Minor Program Changes Sa130308-5.4.2a
b) Nursing - New Course Proposal Sa130308-5.4.2b
*5.4.3 General BA in Visual Arts - Admission Changes Sa130308-5.4.3
*5.4.4 LLC Request for One-Time Exemption to Deletion of Courses Sa130308-5.4.4
*5.4.5 Request for Waiver of Course Deletions Sa130308-5.4.5
5.4.6 Honours Certificate in Civil Engineering - New Program Proposal Sa130308-5.4.6
5.4.7 Bachelor of Engineering Technology - New Program Streams in Civil and Mechanical Engineering Sa130308-5.4.7
5.4.8 Degree Completion for Durham College Sport Management and the University of Windsor's BHK in Sport Management Sa130308-5.4.8
5.5 Academic Policy Committee Rick Caron
5.6 Senate Student Committee Kim Calderwood
5.7 Academic Governance at Canadian Universities - Survey Results Report Alan Wildeman - Information Sa130308-5.7
a) Academic Senates and University Governance in Canada: Changes in Structure and Perceptions of Senate Members
b) Canadian University Senate Project: A Summary for the Univeristy of Windsor
5.8 Bylaw Business
5.9 Report of the Provost
5.10 Report of the Vice-President Research
6 Question Period/Other Business
7 Adjournment