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Student Travel Fund

Student Travel Fund

The Faculty of Science is pleased to continue to provide support for undergraduate and graduate students in the Faculty of Science to present a paper or poster at regional, national, and international conferences.  A total of $40,000/academic year has been earmarked to support students presenting at conferences. 

Up to $500 is available to students presenting at an internationally recognized conference (e.g. American Geophysical Union, Ecological Society of America), and up to $250 is available to students presenting at a regional conference (e.g. Southern Ontario Undergraduate Student Chemistry Conference; Southwestern Ontario Graduate Mathematics and Statistics Conference).  Please note, that the funding levels are based on the importance of the conference (and the potential to elevate the student’s research) within the discipline, rather than geographic region. 

Support from the Faculty of Science Student Travel Fund will be based on need (determined by availability of other sources of available funding), and should be used in combination with other sources of support from the Faculty of Graduate Studies, the Student Life Enhancement Fund, faculty research support, etc.  The funding will be awarded on a rolling basis, and will be provided to the student following the conference and after original receipts and supporting documentation have been submitted. 

To receive the funding, students are required to complete the attached application and obtain approval from their Research Advisor.  Please submit an electronic copy of the application to Laura McLean ( in the Office of the Dean no less than 30 days before the conference.


  1. Must be a full-time registered student in the Faculty of Science at the time of the presentation at the conference.
  2. Must complete a Faculty of Science Student Travel Fund application and have it approved in advance of the presentation.
  3. Must provide proof that the presentation/poster was accepted by the conference organizers for presentation.
  4. Must attend the conference and make the presentation.
  5. Must also seek other sources of funding including from the Graduate Student Conference Travel Fund or by volunteering at the meeting, etc.
  6. Supervisors should provide support, including financial support, if they hold external grants.
  7. Undergraduate students are eligible for a maximum of one (1) reimbursement in 4 years.
  8. Master’s students are eligible for a maximum of one (1) reimbursement in 2 years.
  9. Doctoral students are eligible for a maximum of two (2) reimbursements in 4 years.


Upon notification from the Dean’s Office of their approved application, students will be connected with a departmental representative who will support them through the reimbursement process.

Claimable Expenses

  • Transportation: Actual costs incurred (not including mileage).  These must not exceed economy airfare.
  • Accommodation: Room only; meals and beverages are not included.
  • Registration fees: Separate costs of conference dinners or party events are not covered.
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