Safety Permit Applications

Safety Permit Applications 

In collaboration with the Chemical Control Centre, the Research Safety Committee manages the University of Windsor’s Biosafety Program, Laser Safety Program, X-Ray Safety Program, and Radiation Safety Program. The committee is tasked with issuing permits to researchers who undertake research activities involving biological agents, Class 3b or 4 lasers, X-Ray devices, and radioactive materials. Principal investigators and teachers require valid certificates to ensure compliance with the relevant regulations and to maintain the safety of all staff and students on campus.

The permit application process is done through the ERSO Research Portal.  

Applications Requiring Approval from Research Ethics Board or Animal Care Committee 

The Research Safety Committee works in conjunction with the Research Ethics Board and Animal Care Committee to uphold the requirements of the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans and Canadian Council on Animal Care, respectively.

If your research project involves human participants, including the use of secondary data or human biological materials, you will need clearance from the Research Ethics Board. If you are requesting the re-use of deidentified or publicly identified human somatic cell lines, complete the REB Request for Exemption for Re-Use of Deidentified or Publicly Identified Human Somatic Cell Lines in Research form that is included in section 10 (Human Source Materials) of the biological safety permit application in the ERSO Research Portal. RSC will then forward the form to the REB for their consideration. If the data can be identified at any point in the research, you will have to complete a New Protocol Application Form. More information about the REB application process can be found on their website. Please consult with the Research Ethics Board at if you have any questions about the REB process. 

If your research project involves the use of animals in any capacity, including fish and invertebrates, it must undergo a review by the Animal Care Committee. Please contact the Animal Care Committee directly at for questions about this process. Once you have the proper clearance from the Animal Care Committee, please indicate this in your application to the RSC to expedite the approval of your permit. 

Contact the Research Safety Committee

If you have any questions or require further information, please contact us. 

Research Safety Committee
Kerri Rice, Research Safety Coordinator
Phone: (519) 253-3000 ext. 3923