Department Head
Dr. Philip Rose
Chrysler Hall North, Rm. 2192
(519) 253-3000. ext.2314
Staff Directory
Tamilyn Mulvaney
Administrative Assistant to the Head
History & Philosophy
Chrysler Hall North, Rms 2189
(519) 253-3000, ext. 2408
Dr. Marcello Guarini, (Analogical Reasoning, Philosophy of Mind, Computational Philosophy)
Dr. Jeff Noonan, Graduate Coordinator
Dr. Philip Rose, Department Head
Dr. David Guetter, sessional lecturer
Dr. Mark Letteri, sessional lecturer
Dr. Brian MacPherson, sessional lecturer
* Undergraduate advising is shared among the faculty. If you have any questions please email the professors directly, the staff or send an email to philos@uwindsor.ca
Sessional Instructors
Dr. Grant Yocom
Adjunct Professors
Dr. Pierre Boulos (Computer Science, Centre for Teaching and Learning)
Professors Emeriti
In Memoriam
Dr. Douglas Walton (CRRAR)