What do a famous actor/producer, a Pope, and the founder of Paypal all have in common? You might be surprised to know that Ricky Gervais, Pope John Paul II, and Peter Thiel all majored in philosophy as undergrads. Studying philosophy is stimulating and rigorous. It allows you to think about the world in new and interesting ways, to look at problems from multiple angles and propose multiple solutions. It improves your writing, critical thinking, confidence, and refine your thinking.
Don’t just take our word for it though. Select any one of the names below to see the diverse career paths that University of Windsor philosophy majors have taken!
Business/Small Business
- Matt Steckle - Small Business Owner/North Ridge Greens
- Ashley Keefner - Ph.D and M.B.A
- Katie Sulaticky - M.B.A.
- Staicha Kidd - Small Business Owner
- Rino Bortolin - Small Business Owner and City Councillor
- Nilo Tavares - Industrial Psychologist
- Marnie Dumouchelle - Interior Design
- Julian Del Bel Belluz - Urban Development
Journalism & Creative Writing
- Erin Ward - Editor/columnist
- Josie Murphy - News Anchor
- Kiril Lazarevski - Technical Writing
Teaching & Cultural Administration
- Beverly Anger - College English Education - U.K.
- Daniel Porteous - English as a Second Language - Taiwan
Social Work & Therapy
- Joshua Chauvin
- Milena Sanson - Tim Horton's Children's Foundation
- Julie Gorman - Sudbury Action Centre for Youth
- Kirsten Douglas - Welcome Centre Shelter for Women and Families
- Chelsea Reaume
- Leah Edmonds - MA Philosophy, Concordia
- Molly Kao - Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Universite de Montreal
- Michael Baumtrog – Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Ryerson University
- Chris Genovesi – Ph.D. Cognitive Science/Sessional Professor, Carleton University
- Cameron Fioret – Ph.D. Philosophy - University of Guelph
- Michael Walschots – Post-doc/Sessional Professor, University of St. Andrews
- Aaron Wendland - Senior Research Fellow at Massey College, Toronto
For more academic profiles, please see Our Graduates Go Places.
***Former students wishing to submit a profile can contact Dr. Neculau (neculau@uwindsor.ca)