In the summer of 2019, Travis Kitching developed a Time Fountain as a simulation for the types of experiments we are developing in the ACME group. He controlled a pulsed water pump and bright LEDs with Arduinos to strobe droplets of water as they fell in the fountain.
Please click on the video to watch. To see a higher resolution pdf of his poster, click on the link below.
Dilrukshi has been working on code to simulate measuring ultrashort laser pulses. She has written a Python script for simulating a spectrogram and the Frequency Resolved Optical Gating (FROG) algorithm. Here is a gif of the algorithm working. The top left image is the spectrogram, and the top right image is the reconstructed FROG trace. The middle row is the simulated (blue) and reconstructed (red) magnitude of the fields in time (left) and frequency (right). The bottom row is the phases. Note that data with amplitude less than 1/1000 of the maximum is not shown. You can download the file FROG_SVD, but you'll need to rename it from .txt to .py file to get it to run in Python.