- Candice Fast (4th year undergraduate)
- Meaghan Shiha (4th year undergraduate)
- Taylor Tracey Kyryliuk (4th year undergraduate)
- Alex Milovic (4th year undergraduate)
- Christopher DiLoreto (postdoc, PhD, University of Windsor)
Following are PI's with whom I currently work and/or have published recently:
- Nanoplasmonics/ nanobiosensors/ clinical diagnostics: Silvia Mittler @ University of Western Ontario; John Sipe @ University of Toronto; Daniel Heath, GLIER, University of Windsor
- Control theory of quantum systems: Anthony Bloch @Michigan
- Optimization & linguistics: Lori Buchanan, Psychology, University of Windsor
- Dr. Christopher DiLoreto (Ph.D. 2017, postdoc at U.Windsor)
- Mrs. Rowine Kobti (pre-masters research 2016-2017, MSc student at U. Windsor)
- Dr. Patrick Rooney (postdoctoral fellow 2015-2017)
- Ms. Melissa Mathers (BSc 2016, MSc at York University)
- Mr. Sam Rusu (B.Sc 2016, Masters in Medical Physics, Wayne State)
- Mr. Hassan Shahzad (BSc 2016, Medical School, Schulich)
- Ms. Claire Coughlin (BSc 2014, MSc at Western University)
- Mr. Saeid Rostami (Doctoral research 2013-2014)
- Mr. Daniel Travo (M.Sc. 2013, PhD student at UToronto)
- Spencer Gardner (co-op student fall 2012, B.Sc. Math Phys at Waterloo)
- Somayeh Mirzaee (M.Sc. 2012, PhD student in Physics at Queens)
- Darragh Rooney (Ph.D. 2012 at UM-Math, co-supervised by Prof. Tony Bloch, postdoc in Germany)
- Arjun Balachander (high-school co-op student 2011-2012, BSc at McGill)
- Anthony Deschamps (outstanding scholar, summer 2011, switched programs to Chemistry)
- John Donohue (B.Sc. 2011, M.Sc. student at U. Waterloo)
- Maggie Tywoniuk (B.Sc. 2011, PhD student at Ecole Polytechnique, Paris)
- Mustafa Sheikh (B.Sc. 2011, working for a private company in Metro Detroit)
- Taiwang Cheng (Postdoc, 2009 - 2011, working for a private company in the GTA area)
- Amin Torabi (M.Sc. 2010, PhD student in Chemistry at UWO)
- Ruby Huang (M.Sc. 2010)
- Dave Trudell (B.Sc. 2010, summer student, went on to a Master's program in Nuclear Engineering at Royal Military College)
- Renan Cabrera (PhD student of Bill Baylis, collaborator, now postdoc at Princeton)
- Andrew Senchuk (Ph.D. student - withdrew 2009, now Ph.D at U. Manitoba).
- Mohammad Hashemi (M.Sc 2008, went on to a PhD program at the University of Rochester).
- Jeff Rau (BSc 2008, outstanding scholars project, NSERC USRA 2006-2008, went on to a PhD program in U.Toronto).
- Theresa Spanjers (BSc 2009,Co-op student, undergraduate research 2007-2008, went on to Teacher's College at UWindsor).
- Dan Trojand (BSc 2009, Co-op student, undergraduate research 2007-2008, went on to MSc program at McGill University).
- Mark Sak (Ph.D. student at Wayne State).
- Line Pedersen (visiting graduate student from Aarhus University, Feb. - June. 2006).
- Beth Yaworsky ( outstanding scholars project, NSERC USRA 2006, switched majors to Biology).
- Alex Waghorn (outstanding scholars project 2006, switched majors to Business).
- James MacAdam (Computer Science major, capstone project graduated 2007).
- Darragh 'Patrick' Rooney (Graduate student, May 2005 - Aug. 2006, went on to a Ph.D in Applied Math at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)
- Ryan Murray (Senior honours thesis, graduated Aug. 2006, went on to a PhD at Waterloo/NRC/Imperial College)
- Luc Serre (Senior honours thesis, graduated 2006, finished MS in Medical Physics at McGill University, and resident at WRCC)
- Alex Vyskocil (Summer undergraduate project 2006, now a fourth year student)
- Hoofar Daneshvar (graduate student, Jan.- Aug. 2005, switched advisors)
- Ryan Booth (Outstanding scholars project Fall 2005, switched majors to Engineering)
- Adam Mills (Summer undergraduate project 2005, went on to Teacher's College)
- Razvan Nistor (Summer graduate student 2004, went on to a PhD program at University of Western Ontario)
- Tom McIntosh (Senior honours thesis "Rydberg atom wave packets", graduated in 2004, went on to a PhD program at Queen's University).
Science Promotion
Science Rendezvous Windsor Organizing Committee, 'Science Rendezvous': public science festival in Windsor, May 8, 2010; May 7, 2011; May 12, 2012; May 11, 2013, May 10, 2014, May 9, 2015
- "Throwing Light on the Invisible: Optics in Nanotechnology and Medicine" Workshop for Windsor Regional Science Fair participants, 2010
- "Careers in Optics and Photonics", Set of two YSTOP workshops for middle-school students, 2009
- "Throwing Light on the Invisible: Optics in Nanotechnology and Medicine" Workshop for Windsor Regional Science Fair participants, 2008
- Jell-O and CD Optics lab for middle school students, Summer 2006
- I spoke at the Physics Education Workshop for high-school teachers in 2004, and co-organized it in 2006
- Multimedia instructional module development
- My 4th year students in Technical Communication Skills have developed multimedia modules on exciting physics topics as a resource for high-school teachers
- "Adventures in Quantumland: Quantum Mechanics" at Vincent Massey High School in Winter 2006
- "What is Medical Physics" at General Amherst High School in Winter 2008
- "What is Medical Physics" at Sandwich Secondary School in Winter 2008
- "Quantum Puzzles" at General Amherst Secondary School in Winter 2009
- "Optics in Nanotechnology and Medicine" at Catholic Central in Winter 2011
- Public lectures by world-famous scientists (Paul Corkum, Ron Walsworth, Carl Wieman, Tamar Seideman) as part of the Faculty of Science Seminar Series
- At the University of Michigan, I developed a set of three original public lectures on "Quantum Computing: the new frontier" as part of Saturday Morning Physics (Fall 2002)
- Instructor, Summer science program for middle school girls, University of Michigan, 2000, 2001
- Guest speaker, The Dunham School, Baton Rouge, LA. Fall 1998 and Spring 1999
- AWIS-BR speaker on "Opportunities in Physics" at science camp for `at-risk' high school students at Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond, LA, 1998
- Public lecture "Fingerprints of the early universe", Bangalore Amateur Astronomical Society, Bangalore, India, 1994
- Public lecture "Distance scales in the universe", Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, India, 1994