Refereed journal articles

Wu, M., Samson, I.M., Qui, K., Zhang, D. 2023, Multi-stage metasomatic Zr mineralization in the world-class Baerzhe rare earth element Nb-Zr-Be deposit, China.  American Mineralogist, v. 1098, p. 389-405.

Wehrle, E., Montreuil, J.-F., Samson, I.M., Kontak, D.J., Wu, M., 2022, Discriminating between primary and secondary Au events in a paragenetically complex Archean lode-gold deposit, Wawa Gold Corridor, Ontario, Canada.  Economic Geology, Published online.

Kingston, A., Ardakani, O., Watt, E., Samson, I.M., 2022, Evidence of hydrocarbon generation and overpressure development in an unconventional reservoir using fluid inclusion and stable isotope analysis from the Early Triassic, Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin.  Frontiers in Earth Science (Structural Geology and Tectonics).  v. 10.  Published online June 20, 2022.

Bickerton, L.; Kontak, D.J.; Murphy, B.; Kellett, D.A-M.; Samson, I.M.; Marsh, J.; Dunning, G.R.; Stern, R., 2022, The age and origin of the South Mountain Batholith (Nova Scotia, Canada) as constrained by zircon U-Pb geochronology, geochemistry and O-Hf isotopes. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 59, p. 418-454.

Good, D.J., Linnen, R.L., Meghji, I., Samson, I.M., and McBride J., 2021, Relationships among the Geordie Lake Cu-Pd deposit, alkaline basalt, and syenites in the Coldwell Complex, Midcontinent Rift, Canada.  Canadian Mineralogist. v.59, p. 1571-1597.

Mesquita, M.J., Samson, I.M., Hartmann, L.A., Picanço, J.L., Gomes, M.E.B., 2021, Shearing and fluid evolution of the Porto Nacional orogenic gold district, western Brazil: microstructure, fluid inclusion, and C-O isotopic evidence. Ore Geology Reviews. v. 136, online:

Cao, Y., Good, D.J., Linnen, R.L., Samson, I.M., Ruthart, R., 2021, Genesis of the low sulfide-high grade PGE mineralization in the W Horizon, Coldwell Complex, Canada: Quantitative modelling for PGE reef style mineralization in syn-magmatic sills. Mineralium Deposita.  Published online Jan 5, 2021,

Wu, M., Samson, I.M., Qui, K., Zhang, D., 2020, Concentration mechanisms of REE-Nb-Zr-Be mineralization in the Baerzhe deposit, NE China: Insights from textural and chemical features of amphibole and rare-metal minerals. Economic Geology.  v. 116 (3), p.651-679.

Brzozowski, M.J., Samson, I.M., Gagnon, J.E., Linnen, R.L., Good, D., 2020, Effects of fluid-induced oxidation on the composition of Fe–Ti oxides: Implications for the application of Fe–Ti oxides to petrogenesis and mineral exploration.  Mineralium Deposita.

Brzozowski, M.J., Samson, I.M., Good, D.J., Gagnon, J.E., Linnen, R.L., 2020, Oxide mineralogy and trace-element chemistry as an index to magma evolution and Marathon-type mineralization in the Eastern Gabbro of the Coldwell Alkaline Complex, Ontario. Mineralium Deposita.

Brzozowski, M.J., Samson, I.M., Gagnon, J.E., Good, D.J., Linnen, R.L., 2020, On the mechanisms for low sulfide, high precious metal and high sulfide, low precious metal mineralization in the Eastern Gabbro, Coldwell Complex, Canada: Evidence from textural associations, S/Se values, and PGE concentrations of base metal sulfides. Economic Geology. V.115, p.355-384.

Shahabi Far, M., Samson, I.M., Gagnon, J.E., Good, D.J., Linnen, R.L., Ames, D., 2019, Evolution of a conduit system at the Marathon PGE-Cu deposit: Insights from silicate mineral textures and chemistry.  Journal of Petrology.  V.60, p.1427-1460.

Cao, Y., Good, D.J., Linnen, R.L., Samson, I.M., 2019, The Role of magma replenishment and crystal slumping in the formation of early gabbros at the Coldwell Complex, Ontario, Canada.  Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences.  v. 56 (7), p. 715-737.

Cao, Y., Good, D.J., Linnen, R.L., Samson, I.M., McBride, J., 2018, Igneous architecture and implications for diverse Cu-PGE mineralization styles in a conduit system: An example from the Area 41 Cu-PGE Occurrence, Coldwell Complex, Canada.  Mineralium Deposita. v. 54 (6), p. 867-884.

Yang, L., van Hinsberg, V., Samson, I.M., 2018, A new method to deconvolute binary mixture in Laser-ablation inductively-coupled-plasma mass-spectrometry analyses to quantify the composition of phases smaller than the laser spot size. J. Anal. Atomic Spectrometry. v.33, p. 1518-1528.

Wu, C-Z., Xie, S-W., Gu, L-X., Samson, I.M. Yang, T., Lei, R-X., Zhu, Z-Y., Dang, B., 2018, Shear zone-controlled post-magmatic ore formation in the Huangshandong Ni–Cu sulfide deposit, NW China. Ore Geology Reviews. v.100, p. 545-560.

Cao, Y., Good, D.J., Linnen, R.L., Samson, I.M, 2018, Applications of the combined portable XRF-benchtop SEM methodology to PGE exploration. Ore Geology Reviews, v. 101, p. 32-53. 

Wu, M., Samson, I. M., Zhang, D., 2018, Textural features and chemical evolution in Ta-Nb oxides: Implications for deuteric rare-metal mineralization in the Yichun granite-marginal pegmatite, southeastern China. Economic Geology, v. 113, p.937–960.

Brzozowski, M., Samson, I.M., Gagnon, J.E., Linnen, R.L., Good, D., Ames, D.E., Flemming, R., 2018, Controls on the chemistry of minerals in late-stage veins and implications for exploration vectoring tools for mineral deposits: an example from the Marathon Cu-Pd deposit, Ontario, Canada. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 190, p. 109-129.

Hastie, E.C.G., Gagnon, J.E., Samson, I.M., 2018,  The Paleoproterozoic MacLellan deposit and related Au-Ag occurrences, Lynn Lake greenstone belt, Manitoba: An emerging, structurally-controlled gold camp. Ore Geology Reviews. v. 94, p. 24-45.

Shahabi Far, M., Samson, I.M., Gagnon, J.E., Good, D.J., Linnen, R.L., Layne, G.D., Wing, B.A., 2018, Identifying externally-derived sulfur in conduit-type Cu-PGE deposits: the importance of multiple sulfur isotope studies. Geology, v. 46, p.235-238.

Acosta Góngora, P., Gleeson, S.A., Samson, I.M., Corriveau, L., Ootes, L., Jackson, S.E., Taylor, B.E., 2018, Origin of sulfur and crustal recycling of copper in polymetallic (Cu-Au-Co-Bi-U±Ag) iron-oxide-dominated systems in the Great Bear Magmatic Zone, NWT, Canada. Mineralium Deposita. v.53, p. 353–376.

Wu, M., Samson, I.M., Zhang, D., 2017, Textural and chemical constraints on the formation of disseminated granite-hosted W-Ta-Nb mineralization at the Dajishan deposit, Nanling Range, southeastern China. Economic Geology. v. 112, p. 855-887.

Elmi Assadzadeh, G., Samson, I.M., Gagnon, J.E., 2017, Evidence for aqueous liquid-liquid immiscibility in highly evolved tin-bearing granites, Mount Pleasant, New Brunswick, Canada.  Chemical Geology.  v. 448, p. 123-136.
Elmi Assadzadeh, G., Samson, I.M., Gagnon, J.E., 2017, The trace element chemistry and cathodoluminescence characteristics of fluorite in the Mount Pleasant Sn-W-Mo deposits: Insights into fluid character and implications for exploration. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 172, p. 1-19.  
Ootes, L., Snyder, D., Davis, W.J., Acosta Góngora, P., Corriveau, L., Mumin, A.H., Gleeson, S.A., Samson, I.M., Montreuil, J-F., Potter, E., Jackson, V.A., 2016, A Paleoproterozoic Andean-type iron oxide copper-gold environment, the Great Bear magmatic zone, Northwest Canada. Ore Geology Reviews.  v. 81, p. 123-139.
Aleinikoff, J.N., Selby, D., Slack, J.F., Day, W.C., Pillers, R.M., Cosca, M.A., Seeger, C.M., Fanning, C.M., Samson, I.M., 2016, U-Pb, Re-Os, and Ar/Ar geochronology of REE-rich breccia pipes and associated host rocks from the Mesoproterozoic Pea Ridge Fe-REE-Au deposit, St. Francois Mountains, Missouri. Economic Geology. v. 111, p. 1883-1914.
Harlov, D.E., Meighan, C., Kerr, I., Samson, I.M., 2016, Mineralogy, chemistry, and fluid-aided evolution of the Pea Ridge Fe-oxide-REE deposit, southeast Missouri, USA.  Economic Geology. v. 111, p. 1963-1984.
Hofstra, A.H., Meighan, C.J., Song, X., Samson, I.M., Marsh, E.E., Lowers, H.A., Emsbo, P., Hunt, A.G., 2016, Mineral thermometry and fluid inclusion studies of the Pea Ridge iron oxide-apatite-rare earth element deposit, Mesoproterozoic St. Francois Mountains Terrane, Southeast Missouri, USA. Economic Geology. v. 111, p. 1985-2016.
Cao, Y., Linnen, R.L., Good, D.J., Samson, I.M., Epstein, R., 2016, The application of pXRF and benchtop SEM to Cu-Pd exploration in the Coldwell Alkaline Complex, Ontario, Canada. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis. v. 16, p. 193-212.
Acosta Góngora, P., Gleeson, S.A., Samson, I.M., Ootes, L., Corriveau, L., Taylor, B.E., Creaser, R.A., Muehlenbachs, K., 2015, Genesis of the Paleoproterozoic NICO Iron-Oxide-Cobalt-Gold-Bismuth deposit, Northwest Territories, Canada: evidence from isotope geochemistry and fluid inclusions. Precambrian Research, v. 268, p. 168-193.
Good D.J., Epstein R., McLean K., Linnen R.L., and Samson I.M., 2015, Evolution of the Main Zone at the Marathon Cu-PGE sulfide deposit, midcontinent rift, Canada:  spatial relationships in a magma conduit setting. Economic Geology. v. 110, p.983-1008.
Feng, Y., Samson, I.M., 2015, Replacement Processes involving high field strength elements in the T Zone, Thor Lake rare-metal deposit, Northwest Territories. Canadian Mineralogist. v.53, p. 31-60.
Acosta Góngora, P., Gleeson, S.A., Samson, I.M., Ootes, L., Corriveau, L., 2015, Gold refining by bismuth melts in the iron-oxide-dominated NICO Au-Co-Bi (±Cu±W) deposit, NWT, Canada. Economic Geology, v. 110, p. 291-314.
Acosta-Góngora, P, S.A. Gleeson, I.M. Samson, L. Ootes, and L. Corriveau, 2014, Trace Element Geochemistry of Magnetite and Its Relationship to Cu-Bi-Co-Au-Ag-U-W Mineralization in the Great Bear Magmatic Zone, NWT, Canada. Economic Geology, v. 109, no. 7, p. 1901-1928.
Wu, C., Santosh, M., Chen, Y.J., Samson, I.M., Lei, R.X., Dong, L.H., Qu, X., Gu, L.X., 2014,  Geochronology and geochemistry of Early Mesoproterozoic meta-diabase sills from Quruqtagh in the northeastern Tarim Craton: Implications for breakup of the Columbia supercontinent. Precambrian Research, v. 241, p. 29-43. 
Wu, C., Samson, I.M., Chen, L-H., Gu, L-X., Cai, G-G., Li, J., Yang, G-D., 2014, Ar–Ar dating and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic character of Paleogene basalts from the Xialiaohe Depression, northern Bohai Bay Basin: implications for transformation of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle under the eastern North China Craton. Canadian J. Earth Sci., v.51, p. 166-179.
Sirbescu, M., Krukowski, E., Schmidt, C., Thomas, R., Samson, I.M., Bodnar, R., 2013, Boron analysis of fluid inclusions: Application to Cryo-Genie Pegmatite, San Diego County California, USA. Chemical Geology.  v. 342, p.138-150.
Linnen, R.L., Samson, I.M., Williams-Jones, A.E., Chakhmouradian, A.R., 2014, Geochemistry of the rare-earth elements, Nb, Ta, Hf, and Zr deposits. In: Holland H.D. and Turekian K.K. (eds.) Treatise on Geochemistry, Second Edition, vol. 13, p. 543-568. Oxford: Elsevier. (invited).
Haeri-Ardakani, O., Al-Aasm, I., Coniglio, M., and Samson, I.M., 2013, Diagenetic evolution and associated mineralization of Middle Devonian carbonates, southwestern Ontario, Canada. Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, v. 61, p. 41-58.
Sirbescu, M., Krukowski, E., Schmidt, C., Thomas, R., Samson, I.M., Bodnar, R., 2013, Boron analysis of fluid inclusions: Application to Cryo-Genie Pegmatite, San Diego County California, USA.  Chemical Geology.  DOI: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2013.01.014.
Cui, T., Yang, J., and Samson, I.M., 2012, Uranium transport across basement/cover interfaces by buoyancy-driven thermohaline convection: implications for the formation of unconformity-related uranium deposits.  Am. J. Sci., v. 312, p. 994-1027.
Williams-Jones, A.E., Migdisov, A.A., and Samson, I.M., 2012, Hydrothermal mobilisation of the rare earth elements – a tale of “ceria” and “yttria”.  Elements. v.8, p. 355-360. (invited)
Polat, A., Fryer, B.J., Samson, I.M., Weisener, C.W., Appel, P.W., and Frei, R. Geochemistry of ultramafic rocks and hornblendite veins in the Fiskenæsset layered anorthosite complex, SW Greenland: Evidence for hydrous upper mantle in the Archean.  Precambrian Research. v. 214-215, p. 124-153.
Campos-Alvarez, N.O., Samson, I.M., and Fryer., B.J., 2012, The roles of magmatic and hydrothermal processes in PGE mineralization, Ferguson Lake Deposit, Nunavut, Canada.  Mineralium Deposita, v. 47, p. 441-465.
Cui, T., Yang, J., and Samson, I.M., 2012, Tectonic deformation and fluid flow: Implications for the formation of unconformity-related uranium deposits.  Economic Geology. v. 107, p. 147-163.
Yang, Z., Fryer, B.J., Longerich, H.P., Gagnon, J.E., and Samson, I.M., 2011, 785 nm femtosecond laser ablation for improved precision and reduction of interferences in Sr isotope analyses using MC-ICP-MS.  Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy. v. 26., p. 341-351.
Boyce, A.J., Barrie, C.D., Samson, I.M., Williams-Jones, A.E., in press, Aspects of the geochemistry of zinc. In, Archibald, S.A., and Piercey, S.J. (eds.): Zinc 2010.  Irish Assoc. Econ. Geol., Special volume 4., (invited).
Williams-Jones, A.E., Samson, I.M., Ault, K., Gagnon, J.E., and Fryer, B.J., 2010, The Genesis of Distal Zinc Skarns; Evidence from the Mochito deposit, Honduras.  Economic Geology, v.105, p.1411-1440. 
Campos-Alvarez, N.O., Samson, I.M., Fryer, B.J., Ames, D.E., 2010, Fluid Sources and Hydrothermal Architecture of the Sudbury Structure: constraints from femtosecond LA-MC-ICP-MS Sr Isotopic Analysis of Hydrothermal Epidote and Calcite. Chemical Geology. v. 278, p. 131-150.
Ootes, L., Goff, S. Jackson, V.A. Gleeson, S.A., Creaser, R.A., Samson, I.M., Evensen, N., Corriveau, L., Mumin, A.M., 2010, First age dates and thermo-chemical constraints on multi-element mineralization in Great Bear magmatic zone, Northwest Territories, Canada: the Nori/RA Cu-Mo-U prospect.  Mineralium Deposita. v. 45, 549-566.

Cui, T., Yang, J., Samson, I.M., 2009, Hydrostratigraphic reconstruction and numerical modeling of hydrothermal fluid flow in the Paleoproterozoic Thelon Basin, Nunavut, Canada. Journal of Geochemical Exploration. In Press.

Polat, A., Appel, P.W.U., Fryer, B.J., Windley, B., Frei, R., Samson, I.M., Huang, H. Trace element systematics of the Neoarchean Fiskenæsset anorthosite complex and associated meta-volcanic rocks, SW Greenland: Evidence for a magmatic arc origin. Precambrian Research. In Press.

Samson, I.M., Williams-Jones, A.E., Ault, K., Gagnon, J.E., and Fryer, B.J., 2008, The source of fluids forming distal Zn-Pb-Ag skarns: evidence from LA-ICPMS analysis of fluid inclusions from El Mochito, Honduras. Geology., v. 36, p. 947-950.

Gagnon, J.E., Fryer, B.J., Samson, I.M., and Williams-Jones, A.E., 2008, Quantitative analysis of silicate standard reference materials by LA-ICPMS with and without an internal standard. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy. v. 23, p. 1529-1537.

Wood, S.A. and Samson, I.M., 2006, The aqueous geochemistry of Ga, Ge, In and Sc. Ore Geology Reviews. v.28, p. 57-102.

Samson, I.M., and Wood, S.A., 2005, The rare earth elements: behaviour in hydrothermal fluids and concentration in hydrothermal mineral deposits, exclusive of alkaline settings, in Linnen, R.L., and Samson, I.M., eds., Rare element geochemistry and mineral deposits: Geological Association of Canada, Short Course Notes. P. 269-297.

Samson, I.M., Wood, S.A., and Finucane, K.G., 2004, Fluid inclusion characteristics and genesis of the REE (parisite) mineralization in the Snowbird Deposit, Montana. Economic Geology, v.99, p. 1727-1744.

Gagnon, J.E., Samson, I.M., Fryer, B.J., and Williams-Jones, A.E., 2004, The composition and origin of hydrothermal fluids in rare-element pegmatites, South Platte District, Colorado: Evidence from LA-ICP-MS analysis of fluorite- and quartz-hosted fluid inclusions. Canadian Mineralogist, v. 41, p. 365-382.

Crowe, S.A., Fryer, B.J., Samson, I.M., and Gagnon, J.E., 2003, Precise isotope ratio determination of common Pb using quadrupole LA-ICP-MS with optimized laser sampling conditions and a robust mixed-gas plasma. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, v.18, p. 1331 - 1338.

Gagnon, J.E., Samson, I.M., and Fryer, B.J., 2003, Laser Ablation ICP-MS Analysis of Fluid Inclusions. In Fluid Inclusions: Analysis and Interpretation (I. Samson, A. Anderson, & D. Marshall, eds.) Mineralogical Association of Canada, Short Course 32,

Gagnon, J.E., Samson, I.M., Fryer, B.J., and Williams-Jones, A.E., 2003, Compositional heterogeneity in fluorite and the genesis of fluorite deposits - Insights from LA-ICP-MS analysis. The Canadian Mineralogist. v.41, p. 365-382.

Banks, D.A., Boyce, A.J., and Samson, I.M., 2002, Constraints on the origin of fluids forming the Irish Zn-Pb-Ba deposits: Evidence from the chemistry of fluid inclusions. Economic Geology, v.97, 471-480.

Samson, I.M., Kerr, I.D. and Graf, C., 2001, The Rock Canyon Creek Fluorite-REE deposit, British Columbia. in Dunlop, S. and Simandl, G.J. (eds.), Industrial Minerals in Canada, Special Volume 53, Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, p.35-44.

Packard, J., Al-Aasm, I.S., Samson, I.M., Berger, Z., and Davies, J., 2001, A Devonian hydrothermal chert reservoir: The 225 bcf Parkland Field, British Columbia, Canada: Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bulletin, v. 85, p. 51-84.

Williams-Jones, A.E., Samson, I.M., and Olivo, G.R., 2000, The Genesis of hydrothermal fluorite-REE deposits in the Gallinas Mountains, New Mexico. Economic Geology, v. 95, p. 327-342.

Samson, I.M. and Walker, R.T., 2000, Cryogenic Raman spectroscopic studies in the NaCl-CaCl2-H2O system and implications for low temperature phase behaviour in aqueous fluid inclusions. The Canadian Mineralogist, v. 38, p. 35-43.

Wood, S.A. and Samson, I.M., 2000, The hydrothermal geochemistry of tungsten in granitoid environments: I. Relative solubilities of ferberite and scheelite as a function of T, P, pH and mNaCl. Economic Geology, v. 95, p. 143-182.

Samson, I.M., Blackburn, W.H., and Gagnon, J.E., 1999, Paragenesis and chemistry of amphibole and biotite in the MacLellan Au-Ag deposit, Lynn Lake greenstone belt, Manitoba. The Canadian Mineralogist, v. 94, p. 1405-1422.

Wood, S.A. and Samson, I.M., 1998, Solubility of ore minerals and complexation of ore metals in hydrothermal solutions. In, Techniques in Hydrothermal Ore Deposit Geology, Reviews in Economic Geology v.10, Richards, J.P. and Larson, P. (eds.), Ch. 2, Society of Economic Geologists, p. 33-80.

Samson, I.M., Bas, B., and Holm, P.E., 1997, Hydrothermal evolution of auriferous shear zones, Wawa, Ontario. Economic Geology, v. 92, p.325-342.

Samson, I.M., Liu, W. and Williams-Jones, A.E., 1995, The nature of orthomagmatic hydrothermal fluids in the Oka carbonatite, Quebec: Evidence from fluid inclusions. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, v.59, p.1963-1978.

Samson, I.M., Williams-Jones, A.E. and Liu, W., 1995, The chemistry of hydrothermal fluids in carbonatites: Evidence from leachate and SEM-decrepitate analysis of fluid inclusions from Oka, Quebec. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, v.59, p.1979-1990.

Samson, I.M. and Gagnon, J., 1995, Episodic fluid infiltration and the genesis of the Proterozoic MacLellan Au-Ag deposit, Lynn Lake greenstone belt, Manitoba. Exploration and Mining Geology, v.4, p.33-50.

Samson, I.M. and Sinclair, W.D., 1992, Magmatic hydrothermal fluids and the origin of quartz-tourmaline orbicules in the Seagull batholith, Yukon Territory.  Canadian Mineralogist, v.30, 937-954.

Burruss, R.C., Ging, T.G., Eppinger, R.G., and Samson, I.M., 1992, Laser excited fluorescence of REE in fluorite: Initial observations with a laser Raman microporobe. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta., v.56, 2713-2723.

Samson, I.M. and Williams-Jones, A.E., 1991, C-O-H-N-salt fluids associated with contact metamorphism, McGerrigle Mountains, Quebec:  A Raman spectroscopic study: Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, v.55, 169-177. 

Levine, J.R., Samson, I.M. and Hesse, R., 1991, Composition and origin of fracture-hosted impsonite and petroleum fluid  inclusions, Quebec City region, Canada: Amer. Assoc. Pet. Geol. Bull., v.75, 139-155.

Samson, I.M., 1990, Fluid evolution and mineralization in a sub- volcanic granite stock: The Mount Pleasant W-Mo-Sn deposits, New Brunswick, Canada: Economic Geology, v.85, 145-163. 

Williams-Jones, A.E. and Samson, I.M., 1990, Theoretical calculations of halite solubility in the system NaCl-CaCl2-H2O: applications to fluid inclusions: Canadian Mineralogist, v.28, 299-304.

Williams-Jones, A.E. and Samson, I.M., 1989, A sulfur isotopic study of the granitoid-related, Madeleine copper deposit, Gaspe, Quebec: A case for a sedimentary sulfur source:  Economic Geology, v.84, 1507-1514.

Williams-Jones, A.E., Samson, I.M., and Linnen, R.L., 1989, Fluid evolution and its role in the genesis of the granite-related Madeleine copper deposit, Gaspe, Quebec: Economic Geology, v.84, 1515-1524.

Samson, I.M. and Banks, D.A., 1988, Epithermal base-metal vein mineralization in the Southern Uplands of Scotland: Nature and origin of the fluids:  Mineralium Deposita, v.23, 1-8.

Samson, I.M. and Russell, M.J., 1987, Genesis of the Silvermines Zn-Pb-barite deposit, Ireland: fluid inclusion and stable isotope evidence: Economic Geology, v.82, 371-394.

Haszeldine, R.S., Samson, I.M. and Cornford, C., 1984, Quartz diagenesis and convective fluid movement:  Beatrice oilfield, UK North Sea:  Clay Minerals, v.19, 391-402.

Haszeldine, R.S., Samson, I.M. and Cornford, C., 1984, Dating diagenesis in a petroleum basin, a new fluid inclusion method. Nature, v.307, 354-357.

Samson, I.M. and Russell, M.J., 1983, Fluid inclusion data on the Silvermines base metal and baryte deposits, Ireland: Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. (Sect. B:  Appl. Earth Sci.), v.92, B67- B91.