1979: BSc Honours, Applied Geology, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland.
1983: PhD, Economic Geology, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland.
Professional Society Service
Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences (CFES)
- President-Elect, 2016-2017
- President, 2017-2019
- Past President, 2019-2020
Mineralogical Association of Canada (MAC)
- Finance Chair 1999-2007
- Vice-President, 2008-2010
- President, 2010-2012
- Past-President, 2012-2014
Academic Appointments
- 1983-1986: IREM-MERI Research Associate (Post-doc)(Mineral Exploration Research Institute) in the Department of Geological Sciences, McGill University, Montreal.
- 1986-1991: Assistant Professor, University of Windsor.
- 1991-2001: Associate Professor, University of Windsor.
- 2001-2022: Professor, University of Windsor
- 2023-present: Professor Emeritus, University of Windsor.
Administrative Appointments (University of Windsor)
- 1997-1998: Interim Program Chair, Earth Sciences.
- 1998-2001: Program Chair, Earth Sciences.
- 2001-2003: Head, Department of Earth Sciences.
- 2002-2003: Interim Director, School of Physical Sciences.
- 2009-2010: Acting Head, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences.
- 2010-2015: Head, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences.
- 2020 (Jan - June): Acting Director, School of the Environment.