News & Media

News & Announcements


Welcome to new graduate student Rebecca Anderson. 


JUNE 2024

If you are headed to the CADDRA meeting in Winnipeg this fall, keep an eye out for Dr. Miller and graduate student Taylor McEachnie who will be attending and have presentations there. 


JUNE 2023

Graduate student Rebecca Nurgitz is off to internship at Hamilton Health Sciences at the end of the summer. New graduate student Bailey Rand will be arriving at the same time. 


With COVID-19 and a substantial administrative role following her 2019 sabbatical, Dr. Miller fell behind in updating her website. Since that time, so much has happened, including the graduation of multiple students, funding announcements, and the arrival of new students. Moving forward, this will be updated more regularly. 



  • If you are planning to attend CADDRA in Toronto, keep an eye out for Dr. Miller.

APRIL 2019

  • Graduate student Sanya Sagar has been awarded OGS funding. Congratulations Sanya! 
  • And, our lab is growing. We're excited to welcome Katherine Matchett in the fall as a new graduate student in our group. 


  • It's been a busy start to the year! Molly Cairncross has defended her dissertation after finding out in the fall she'll be on post-doc next year at UBC. Graduate students Sanya Sagar and Antonette Scavone have proposed their dissertation studies. 
  • Are you going to be at INS in New York City this month? Dr. Miller and several members of the lab will be there. 

JULY 2018

  • Brie Brooker, Dragana Ostojic, and Marta Kadziolka have all successfully defended their doctoral dissertations this year while completing their capstone internships. Congratulations Drs. Brooker, Ostojic, and Kadziolka on your major accomplishments!

JUNE 2018

  • Are you headed to the ICAP meeting this month? If so, keep an eye out for Dr. Miller who has a talk on the applications of mindfulenss therapies for attention problems on Thursday afternoon and for Rebecca Nurgitz's poster from her honours thesis at Ryerson. 

MAY 2018

  • Doctoral student Molly Cairncross is having a great spring. She is finishing data collection this summer while also working as a peer supervisor in our new Clinical Neuropsychology Service under Dr. Miller's supervision. 
  • Graduate students in the lab have been awarded SSHRC funding. Congratulations to Molly Caircross, Antonette Scavone, and Rebecca Nurgitz!
  • And, our new Clinical Neuropsychology Service will see its first clients this summer. Five students will have a terrific on-campus training opportunity this summer and our community will have access to a geared-to-income clinic that will provide full neuropsychological evaluations to individuals ranging in age from preschool through very old adults. Dr. Miller will be the inaugural clinic supervisor with other faculty getting to work with our students starting in January 2019. 

APRIL 2018

  • The good news continues. Graduate student Molly Cairncross matched for her neuropsychology pre-doctoral internship with the Edmonton Consortium and will have Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) funding while she is there. She hopes to have her full dissertation drafted before she leaves town for the year. Graduate students Sanya Sagar and Antonette Scavone will also have OGS funding for 2018-2019. 


  • Doctoral students are getting good news. Dragana Ostojic (currently on internship) has been offered a postdoctoral fellowship at SickKids Hospital. Brie Brooker (also on internship) has been offered a postdoctoral fellowship at University of Michigan Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Molly Cairncross will be on internship next year at the Edmonton Consortium in neuropsychology. 


  • We are recruiting children (grades 4-5) with ADHD for another round of our program, Mindful Living for Kids. The programming is free and begins after March Break. 


  • Doctoral student Sanya Sagar is joining our research group. Welcome, Sanya!


  • We're recruiting children (grades 4-5) with ADHD for another round of meditation training. The programming is free and begins on September 25, 2017. 

JULY 2017

  • Dr. Miller has decided to branch out in her social media use. She's now tweeting at @DrCarlinMiller

JUNE 2017

APRIL 2017

  • April is always a busy month with good news in our group. Graduate students Molly Cairncross and Antonette Scavone has been awared Ontario Graduate Scholarship funding for 2017-2018. And, our lab is expanding next year with the arrival of new graduate student Rebecca Nurgitz. 

MARCH 2017

  • Dr. Miller's newest project with Marcia Milne from the UWindsor Faculty of Human Kinetics is receiving some media attention. They will be working with grade 4 - 5 children with ADHD delivering mindfulness training and a activity program to teach physical literacy skills, including running, jumping, and throwing. If you'd like to know more about the project, here's a link to the Windsor Star article.
  • Graduate student Dragana Ostojic is contributing to the local media landscape with a timely interview on binge drinking. Curious to see what she and her peer Lauren O'Driscoll said on CBC radio? Find it here.
  • Three of the graduate students in the lab are "leaving the nest" to go on their capstone internship experience. Starting in the fall Brie Brooker will be at Michigan Children's Hospital, Marta Kadziolka will be at Horizon Healthcare in New Brunswick, and Dragana Ostojic will be at SickKids in Toronto. 


  • Dr. Miller and two students in the lab, Antonette Scavone and Katelyn Elder, have a new article on a brief mindfulness intervention in a large-scale university class setting that has been accepted in Mindfulness. Follow this link to a complementary copy of the article. 



  • Doctoral student Molly Cairncross has been awarded a Canadian Psychological Association Certificate of Academic Excellence. Nice work, Molly! 

JULY 2016

  • Dr. Miller, along with her collaborators/co-investigators Dr. Chris Abeare and Dr. Alan Scoboria, has been awarded a Collaborative Research Grant to enhance the research capabilities at the Centre for Neurobehavioural Science with a paid research coordinator and equipment purchases, including the NIH Toolbox. 
  • And, our lab group is growing again with the upcoming arrival of new graduate student Jann MacIsaac. Welcome Jann!

MAY 2016

  • If you are attending the Association for Psychological Science meeting in Chicago, keep an eye out for doctoral students Brianne Brooker, Marta Kadziolka, and Dragana Ostojic who have first-authored posters at the meeting. Dr. Miller is attending too, but she is not presenting this year.  

APRIL 2016

  • Graduate student Antonette Scavone has been awarded SSHRC funding for next year, and doctoral student Molly Cairncross has been awarded Ontario Graduate Scholarship funding for next academic year. Congratulations Antonette and Molly! 


  • Doctoral student Molly Cairncross has a publication that is getting significant attention. Molly's thesis project that used meta-analysis to examine the efficacy of mindfulness-based therapies for children and adults with ADHD has been published in the Journal of Attention Disorders and is now available online. 




  • The first paper from our mindfulness research will be published in an upcoming issue of Mindfulness. Look for the paper by Marta Kadziolka, Emily-Ann di Pierdomenico, and Dr. Miller. The title of the article is: "Trait Mindfulness Promotes Healthy Self-Regulation of Stress."
  • Graduate student Molly Cairncross successfully defended her M.A. thesis. Great work Molly!

JULY 2015

  • This month, Dr. Miller will be attending a 6-day mindfulness-based stress reduction teacher training offered by the UCSD Center for Mindfulness. 

JUNE 2015

  • We have just found out that our cooperative project with the local Catholic school board is going to be published. Keep an eye out for this paper:
  • Jones, G., Ostojic, D., Menard, J., Picard, E., & Miller, C. J. (Accepted). Primary Prevention of Reading Failure: Effect of Universal Peer-Tutoring in the Early Grades. Journal of Educational Research.

MAY 2015

  • Good news on the scholarships front: Graduate student Molly Cairncross has been awarded an Ontario Graduate Scholarship award for next academic year and doctoral student Dragana Ostojic has been awarded a 3-year SSHRC! 

APRIL 2015

  • Our lab group is growing again with new graduate student Antonette Scavone joining us in September 2015. Welcome Antonette!

MARCH 2015

  • Congratulations to graduate student Molly Caircross who made it to the finals in the UWindsor Three Minute Thesis competition. 


  • Doctoral student Marta Kadziolka had her poster accepted for presentation at the Association for Psychological Science meeting in New York City this coming summer. 


  • Doctoral student Brie Brooker had her poster accepted for presentation at the American Psychological Association conference in Toronto this coming summer. 

JULY 2014

  • Graduate student Molly Cairncross has been awarded Canadian Institutes of Health Research scholarship funding for next year.

APRIL 2014

  • Former graduate student Andrew White (and University of Minnesota doctoral student currently) has just received word that his manuscript based on his M.A. thesis work is going to be published in Deviant Behavior.
  • Doctoral student Dragana Ostojic is on a streak! Her manuscript entitled "Effects of puberty onset on ADHD symptoms in female university students," which was based on her M.A. thesis work, is going to be published in the Journal of Attention Disorders.
  • Doctoral students Jessica Menard and Dragana Ostojic have been awarded Ontario Graduate Scholarship funding for next year.
  • Graduate student Brie Brooker and doctoral student Marta Kadziolka competed in the Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition on campus and Brie advanced to the finals, the only Psychology student to advance. Come to cheer Brie on at the finals on April 1 in Ambassador Auditorium.
  • If you are headed to the Association for Psychology Science meeting in San Francisco in May, keep an eye out for research from our lab group as we have four posters to present. If you are headed to the American Psychological Association meeting this summer, look for graduate student Dragana Ostojic who is presenting her poster.

MARCH 2014

  • Doctoral student Dragana Ostojic's collaborative work with faculty at Sick Kids is going to be published. Her paper to appear in the Canadian Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry is entitled: "Childhood ADHD and addictive behaviours in adolescence: A Canadian sample."
  • Doctoral student Marta Kadziolka is the Behaviour, Cognition, and Neuroscience (BCN) colloquium speaker on Friday, March 7, 2014. She will be presenting her research on the intersection of physiological self-regulation and mindfulness."
  • Lab alumna Franklynn Bartol's manuscript based on her honours thesis has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment.
  • Graduate students in the lab are matching for practicum:
    • Brianne Brooker is going to Children's Hospital of Michigan this summer and the Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan next academic year.
    • Dragana Ostojic will be at Toldo Neurobehavioural Institute on the Hotel Dieu-Grace campus next academic year.
    • Marta Kadziolka will be at Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario this summer.
    • Molly Cairncross will be at Victoria Hospital on the neuropsychology and psychiatry service in London, ON this summer.



  • Dr. Miller's newest project on mindfulness training for parents and teachers of children with ADHD has been funded by the Office of Research Services and the Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences at the University of Windsor. Stay tuned for details on when that programming starts.


  • Lab member Bojana Knezevic received her Ph.D. Great job Dr. Knezevic!
  • Lab member Dragana Ostojic received her M.A. and is now officially a doctoral student in the lab.


JULY 2013

  • Graduate student Dragana Ostojic received notice that she has been awarded an Ontario Graduate Scholarship for 2013-14.
  • Former honours thesis student and new mom, Rachel (Schentag) Trella has just received an acceptance of the manuscript from her thesis that will be published in the Journal of Child and Family Studies.

JUNE 2013

MAY 2013

  • Doctoral student Bojana Knezevic defended her dissertation. She will complete her internship at University of Alabama-Birmingham this summer and will officially graduate in October. Congratulations Bojana!!
  • Honours thesis student Emily Bachmeier has been admitted to Schulich School of Medicine (University of Western  Ontario).
  • Graduate student Andrew White successfully defended his master's thesis. He will be starting his Ph.D. in Kinesiology at the University of Minnesota in the fall. Good work Andrew!

APRIL 2013

  • Our lab is growing again: Molly Cairncross is joining our lab group for 2012-2013. Welcome Molly!
  • Honours thesis student Franklynn Bartol has been admitted to the prestigious international master's program in developmental neuroscience and psychopathology at University College London (Anna Freud Center) and Yale University.
  • Doctoral student Bojana Knezevic will be presenting her research on the multifactorial nature of impulsivity with a criminal justice sample at the AACN meeting in Chicago in June. She will also be presenting some of her dissertation research at the UAB research conference this month. 
  • Lab members are winning scholarships: doctoral student Jessica Menard has been awarded the A.R. and E.G. Ferris Endowment Award and graduate student Dragana Ostojic has been awarded the Lois Smedick Award.

MARCH 2013

  • It's been a banner month for doctoral student Jessica Menard: her manuscript based on her honours thesis was just accepted by Exceptionality Education International. She was also awarded a scholarship by the University of Windsor Graduate Student Society. 
  • Graduate student Andrew White and doctoral student Jessica Menard competed in the Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition on campus and Jessica advanced to the finals. Jessica was the only student from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences in the finals.


  • Graduate student Dragana Ostojic will be presenting a poster at the 2013 National Conference on Problem Gambling in July in Seattle.


  • Undergraduate alumna Emily Bachmeier presented results from her thesis at the Ontario Council for Exceptional Children meeting in Niagra.


  • Congratulations to our newest lab member, Brie (Elzinga) Brooker, who has had her first manuscript published. She worked on this study while still an undergraduate at Calvin College and was gaining research experience wth Jacques Donders, Ph.D., an alumnus of our program. Here's the reference:
  • Donders, J., Elzinga, B., Kuypers, D., Helder, E., & Crawford, J. R. (2012).  Development of an eight-subtest short form of the WISC-IV and evaluation of its utility in children with traumatic brain injury.  Child Neuropsychology. doi: 10.1080/09297049.2012.723681

JUNE 2012

  • Dr. Miller is off to New Zealand on sabbatical and will be gone until January 2013. She is excited to be working with the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study dataset and exploring one of the prettiest places on earth with her family in tow.

MAY 2012

  • Our group has been awarded another small grant. In January 2013, we'll start a new project surveying kindergarten teachers about their experiences with and opinions of children with ADHD.

APRIL 2012

  • Graduate students Dragana Ostojic and Andrew White have successfully proposed their master's theses.
  • And, our lab is growing: Brianne Elzinga will be joining the lab in fall 2012.

MARCH 2012

  • Students are hearing good news all around:
  • Doctoral student Bojana Knezevic matched to the neuropsychology internship program at the University of Alabama - Birmingham.
  • Doctoral student Jessica Menard has been assigned to the Teen Health Centre for her final practicum and has successfully proposed her dissertation.
  • Doctoral student Marta Kadziolka and graduate student Andrew White will be completing their summer practicum experiences at Windsor-Essex District Catholic School Board.
  • Graduate student Dragana Ostojic will be completing a spring/fall practicum with Dr. David Ledgerwood and will have a summer research placement in the Department of Psychiatry at SickKids in Toronto.


  • Dr. Miller gave an invited presentation on her longitudinal work on television viewing and attention problems in young children at SickKids Psychiatry Grand Rounds.


  • Doctoral student Bojana Knezevic successfully defended her dissertation proposal.

MAY 2011

  • Doctoral students Jessica Menard and Bojana Knezevic will receive an Ontario Graduate Scholardship 2011-2012.

APRIL 2011

  • Our new internal grant on barriers to treatment seeking in ADHD has been funded and will start in the fall. Doctoral student Jessica Menard will be the lead RA on the project.
  • Our lab is growing! Marta Kadziolka (doctoral student), Dragana Ostojic (graduate student), and Andrew White (graduate student) are joining ICDL in Fall 2011.

MARCH 2010

  • This academic year, our lab group has been working on a manuscript using secondary data from the U.S. Department of Labor. As part of that project, a poster submission has been accepted for presentation.
  • Menard, J., Knezevic, B., Jones, G., Schentag, R., Thompson, K., Edelstein, D., Miller, S. R., & Miller, C. J. (2011, June). Modeling impulsivity and child behaviour problems cross-generationally. Poster session to be presented at Biennial Meeting of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, Chicago, IL.


Faculty are often interviewed by the media. Here are links to some of my interviews.