Employment Equity Training and Resources

UUWelcome to the Employment Equity Training and Resources Webpage

This webpage directs university employees to a wide range of training and resources (both internal and external) related to Employment Equity. University employees are encouraged to visit the links below to learn more about Employment Equity.

Please note that this webpage is not endorsing any particular training or resource, but is designed to share what may be of interest to you.

This webpage will be updated regularly and evolve as trainings and resources may change.

Upcoming EDI

Employment Equity in Canada

Employment Equity in Ontario

Employment Equity at the University of Windsor

Employment Equity Tools and Best Practices

Training (Internal)

Training (External)

Funding (Internal)

Local Resources

Related Resource Sites from other Universities/Colleges/Institutions

UWindsor Library Holdings


Suggestions and recommendations to add any trainings or resources related to Employment Equity are welcomed.

We are also building a list of diversity advertising venues to be used for posting University of Windsor job advertisements; please let us know of any additional venues that we can add to our working document. 

Please submit any suggestions, recommendations, or comments to employmentequity@uwindsor.ca.