Contact Us

Our Services

The Office of Human Rights, Conflict Resolution & Mediation (OHRCRM) provides services internal to the University of Windsor only

For members of the general public wishing to file a Human Rights compliant, please visit the Ontario Human Rights Commission website.


The University of Windsor is situated on the traditional territory of the Three Fires Confederacy: the Ojibwa, Odawa, and the Potawatomi.

The Office of Human Rights, Conflict Resolution and Mediation is responsible for education, human rights inquires and concerns, employment equity, accessibility, government reporting, policy development, and any other matters requiring accountability in these areas at the University of Windsor.

If you are a student, staff or faculty member of the University and wish to file a complaint, please fill out our Confidential Intake Form. Completed forms can be emailed to, or dropped off in-person.

If you are a student and you would like more information about accessibility accommodations at the University of Windsor, please visit Student Accessibility Services.


401 Sunset Avenue, Chrysler Hall Tower, 3rd Floor, Room 319 (Main Reception).

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

Contact Information

For general inquiries to the Office of Human Rights, Conflict Resolution and Mediation, please email or call (519) 253-3000 ext. 3400.

Please note: 
The Office of Human Rights, Conflict Resolution & Mediation provides services internal to the University of Windsor only. 

Marium Tolson-Murtty
ext. 2056

Administrative Assistant to the Director (OHRCRM)
Magdalena Ciunajko
ext. 2056

Accessibility Specialist
Cherie Gagnon
ext. 2046

Irene Schiller
ext. 3400