Lucia Yiu (Matuk)

Associate Professor
University of Windsor
Faculty of Nursing
Windsor, ON N9B 3P4
Phone:253-3000 x 2264
Fax: 519-973-7084

Academic Qualifications

1986 MScN in Administration, University of Western Ontario, London
1977 BSc in Nursing, University of Windsor, Windsor
1977 BA in Psychology, University of Windsor, Windsor
1973 BSc in Physiology, University of Toronto, Toronto


Lucia Yiu has worked in geriatric nursing and public health nursing prior to teaching at the University of Windsor. She is an Educational and Training Consultant in Family and Community Health Nursing. Lucia was the Canadian Lead Trainer for the China-Yunnan Maternal and Child Health Project in China. She has served on various community and social services committees involving local and district health planning, and is currently a board member for the Teen Health Center and Glengarda Children and Family Services. She is currently the lead editor of the Canadian version of the Kozier & Erb's Fundamentals of Nursing textbook.

Teaching Area

  • Community Health Nursing
  • Family Nursing
  • Health Promotion
  • Directed Study
  • Legal Aspects and Professional Accountability
  • Research

Research Area

Breast health, multicultural health, international health, experiential learning, health promotion, community development, and health planning.

Selected Publications (since 2005)

Schepens, B., & Yiu, L. (2012). Emergency preparedness and disaster nursing. In L. Stamler & L. Yiu (Eds.), Community health nursing: A Canadian perspective (3rd ed.)(pp. 463-479). Toronto, ON: Pearson Canada.

Stamler, l., & Yiu, L. (2012). Challenges and future directions. In L. Stamler & L. Yiu (Eds.), Community health nursing: A Canadian perspective (3rd ed.)(pp. 492-494). Toronto, ON: Pearson Canada.

Warren, C., Heale, R., Haugh,E., & Yiu, L. (2012). Nursing roles, functions, and practice settings . In L. Stamler & L. Yiu (Eds.), Community health nursing: A Canadian perspective (3rd ed.)(pp. 42-60). Toronto, ON: Pearson Canada.

Yiu, L. (2012). Community care. In L. Stamler & L. Yiu (Eds.), Community health nursing: A Canadian perspective (3rd ed.)(pp. 213-235). Toronto, ON: Pearson Canada.

Groll, D., & Yiu, L. (2010). Complementary and alternative health modalities. In Berman, A., Synder, S., Kozier, B., Erb, G., Bouchal, S., Burke, S., Yiu, L., Stamler, L., & Burke, M., (Eds.). Fundamentals of Canadian nursing (2nd ed.)(pp. 271-288) Toronto, ON: Pearson Canada.

West, L., Hungerford, K. & Yiu, L. (2010). Leading. managing and delegating. In Berman, A., Synder, S., Kozier, B., Erb, G., Bouchal, S., Burke, S., Yiu, L., Stamler, L., & Burke, M., (Eds.) Fundamentals of Canadian nursing (2nd ed.)(pp. 536-551) Toronto, ON: Pearson Canada.

Yiu, L. (2010). Health promotion. In Berman, A., Synder, S., Kozier, B., Erb, G., Bouchal, S., Burke, S., Yiu, L., Stamler, L., & Burke, M. (Eds.). Fundamentals of Canadian nursing (2nd ed.)(pp. 131-151) Toronto, ON: Pearson Canada.

Crawley, J., & Yiu, L. (2010). Health, wellness, and illness. In Berman, A., Synder, S., Kozier, B., Erb, G., Bouchal, S., Burke, S., Yiu, L., Stamler, L., & Burke, M., (Eds.). Fundamentals of Canadian nursing (2nd ed.)(pp. 116-130) Toronto, ON: Pearson Canada.

McMahon, S., & Yiu, L. (2010). Young adults through middle-adulthood. In Berman, A., Synder, S., Kozier, B., Erb, G., Bouchal, S., Burke, S., Yiu, L., Stamler, L., & Burke, M., (Eds.). Fundamentals of Canadian nursing (2nd ed.)(pp. 333-346) Toronto, ON: Pearson Canada.

McAlpine, K., & Yiu, L. (2010). Sensory perception. In Berman, A., Synder, S., Kozier, B., Erb, G., Bouchal, S., Burke, S., Yiu, L., Stamler, L., & Burke, M., (Eds.). Fundamentals of Canadian nursing (2nd ed.)(pp. 1060-1079) Toronto, ON: Pearson Canada.

Anucha, U., Yiu, L., Smylie, L., Mitchell, C., Nombuso, D., & Lewis, K. (2008, March). Does it work? An evaluation of a breast health promotion workshop for ethnocultural women. Applied Social Welfare Research & Evaluation Group, Research Bulletin #2, School of Social Work, York University.

Anucha, U., Yiu, L., Nombuso, D., Mitchell, C., Daphne, J., Leung, H., & Kimber, M. (2008, March). Promoting breast health for ethnocultural women in Windsor-Essex County. Applied Social Welfare Research & Evaluation Group, Research Bulletin #1, School of Social Work, York University.

Stamler, L., & Yiu, L. (2008). “Challenges and future direction”. Community nursing: A Canadian perspective (2nd ed.)(pp. 405-407). Toronto, ON: Pearson Canada.

Simpson, M. A., & Yiu, L. (2008). Disaster nursing and emergency preparedness. In L. Stamler & L. Yiu, Community health nursing: A Canadian perspective (2nd ed.)(pp. 350-359). Toronto, ON: Pearson Canada.

Yiu, L. (2008). Community care. In L. Stamler & L. Yiu, Community health nursing: A Canadian perspective (2nd ed.)(pp. 176-196). Toronto, ON: Pearson Canada.

Whitney, L.A., Marchant-Short, M., & Yiu, L. (2008). Communicable disease control. In L. Stamler & L. Yiu, Community health nursing: A Canadian perspective (2nd ed.)(pp. 142-161). Toronto, ON: Pearson Canada.

Smith, D., Jacobson, L. & Yiu, L. (2008). Primary health care. In L. Stamler & L. Yiu, Community health nursing: A Canadian perspective (2nd ed.)(pp. 111-124). Toronto, ON: Pearson Canada.

Yiu Matuk, L., & Ruggirello, T. (2007). Culture connection project: Promoting multiculturalism in elementary school settings. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 98(1), 26-29.

Ruggirello, T., & Yiu, L. (2006). Using drama education to promote multiculturalism: Students as social leaders. Multicultural Review. 15(3), 36-43.

Yiu, L. (2006). Practice Notes: Culture connection practice. Journal of Health Education and Behaviour, 33(3), 285-289.

Yiu, L (2005). Community care. In L. Stamler & L. Yiu, Community health nursing: A Canadian perspective. (pp.153-172). Toronto. ON: Pearson Canada.

Stamler, L., & Yiu, L. (2005). “Challenges and future direction”. In L. Stamler & L. Yiu, Community health nursing: A Canadian perspective. (pp. 359-360). Toronto, ON: Pearson Canada.

Malloy, P., & Yiu, L (2005). "Communicable diseases.” In L. Stamler & L. Yiu, Community health nursing: A Canadian perspective. (pp. 187-204). Toronto, ON: Pearson Canada.

Books Edited

Kozier, B, Erb, Gl, Berman, A., Synder, S., Buck, M., Yiu, L., & Stamler, L. (in press). Fundamentals of Canadian nursing (Canadian 3rd ed.). Toronto, ON: Pearson Canada.

Stamler, L., & Yiu, L. (Eds.). (2012). Community health nursing: A Canadian perspective (3rd ed.). Toronto, ON: Pearson Canada.

Kozier, B, Erb, Gl, Berman, A., Synder, S., Bouchal, S., Hirst, S., Yiu, L., Stamler, L., & Buck, M. (2010). Fundamentals of Canadian nursing (Canadian 2nd ed.) Toronto, ON: Pearson Canada. (Lead editor for the Canadian second edition)

Stamler, L., & Yiu, L. (Eds.) (2008). Community health nursing: A Canadian perspective (2nd ed.) Toronto, ON: Pearson Canada.

Stamler, L., & Yiu, L. (Eds.) (2005). Community health nursing: A Canadian perspective, Toronto, ON: Pearson Canada.

Papers Presented in Refereed Conferences since 2006

2011-10-25: Critical analysis of an international development project: Does Primary health care work? (Poster Presentation). International Conference on Global Health and Public Health Education, Hong Kong.

2011-10-25: Breast health practices among immigrant Women. (Poster Presentation). International Conference on Global Health and Public Health Education, Hong Kong.

2011-10-11: Promoting smoking cessation education in a nursing clinical program, 2nd International Public Health Nursing Conference: Visibility and Voice in Public Heatlh Nursing: Visibility and Voice in Public Health Nursing. St. Paul, Minnesota.

2011-06-08: Can breast self-examination prevent breast cancer? The 6th World Conference on Breast Cancer: Transcending the breast cancer experience: A global partnership. Hamilton, ON.

2011-05-17: Enhancing clinical education for community health nursing, by Pijl-Zieber, E., Siracusa, L., Yiu, L., Schofield, R., Diem, E., Hunt, C., Kennedy, B., Shuster, S., Koren, I., & Macdonald, G. 5th National Community Health Nurses Conference: The time is now - Influence, Impacts, Outcomes. Nova Scotia, Halifax.

2010-07-14: Meet the authors presentation on the Community health nursing: A Canadian perspective, at the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE), Geneva, Switzerland.

2010-01-30: Revisiting the breast self examination controversy. 3rd Biennial Nursing Conference, University of Windsor, Windsor, ON.

2010-01-30: Barriers to breast health practices among South Asian women in Windsor-Essex County. 3rd Biennial Nursing Conference, University of Windsor, Windsor, ON.

2009-06-17: Are book publishing a second class act? 29th Annual Society for Teaching Learning for Higher Education (STHLE): Between the Tides. Fredericton, New Brunswick.

2009-03-17: Barriers to breast health practices in ethnocultural women. Looking back, thinking ahead: Using research to improve policy and practice in women's health. Atlantic Centre of Excellence for Women's Health Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

2008-06-05: Promoting access to breast health for ethnocultural women in an underserved health area community: Barriers, facilitators and best practices. By Kimber, M, Yiu, L., & Anucha, U., 5th World Conference on Breast Cancer, Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 4-8, 2008.

2008-06-05: Perceptions of breast health practices among ethnocultural women in Windsor-Essex County. By Yiu, L., & Anucha, U. 5th World Conference on Breast Cancer, Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 4-8, 2008.

2008-05-25: Promoting access to breast health for ethnocultural women. By Kimber, M., Anucha, U., Yiu, L. The 2008 National Social Work Conference, Sponsored by Ontario Association of Social Workers. Toronto, ON, May 22-25, 2008

2008-03-29: Breast health practices among ethnocultural women in Windsor Essex County. By Yiu, L., & Anucha, U. The 2nd Biennial Conference: Celebrating Nursing Excellence, Faculty of Nursing, University of Windsor.

2007-12-06: What does it take to overcome racial barriers? the Second International Conference on Racisms on the New World Order. Caloundra, Queensland, Australia.

2007-11-16: Breast health practice among African women. by Kimber, M. Yiu, L., & Anucha, U. A. at the Making Connections: A Canadian Cancer Research Conference Celebrating the National Cancer Institute of Canada’s 60th Anniversary. Toronto, ON. (Poster presentation)

2007-11-16: Promoting breast health among ethno-cultural women in Windsor-Essex county. By Yiu, L, Anucha, U. & Kimber, M. at the Making Connections: A Canadian Cancer Research Conference Celebrating the National Cancer Institute of Canada’s 60th Anniversary. Toronto, ON.

2007-11-15: Teaching international nursing students: Challenges and solutions. International nurse educators conference: New visions for nursing education. Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Nov. 14-16, 2007, Hong Kong.

2007-11-14: Learning culture care: An experiential experience. International nurse educators conference: New visions for nursing education. Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Nov. 14-16, 2007, Hong Kong (poster presentation).

2007-06-15: Innovations in multiculturalism promotion through drama education, Presented at the STLHE, Evolving Scholarship, Edmonton, AB.

2006-10: Keys to implementing a sustainable community maternal and child health program. Presented at the First Annual Nursing Conference “Celebrating Nursing Excellence”, Faculty of Nursing, University of Windsor.

2006-03: Voices of women from rural areas in Yunnan, China: Perspectives on health. Presented at the Women’s and Newborn Health Conference 2006 - Health Promotion Through the Lifespan: Choice, Chance and Change. Halifax, Nova Scotia.

2006-03-30: Implementing a sustainable community maternal and child health training Program in Yunnan, China: Lessons Learned. Presented at the Women’s and Newborn Health Conference 2006 - Health Through the Lifespan: Choice, Chance and Change. Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Invited Presentations

2009-05-13: Becoming a textbook author ... the perks and perils. By Yiu, L, & Buck, M. Innovation in Nursing Education Workshop, sponsored by Pearson Education Canada for Nurse Educators, Toronto, ON.

2009-01-06: Comparison of key elements in selected nursing fundamental books. By Yiu, L., Stamler, L., & Buck, M. Pearson Education Canada National Conference, Orlando, Florida

2008-08-13: Key features and pedagogical approach used for Kozier’s Fundamental of Nursing book. By Yiu, L. Pearson Education Canada Regional Conference, Niagara on the Lake, ON.

Courses Taught

  • Community Nursing
  • Directed study
  • Community clinical
  • Legal, ethics and professional accountability
  • Personal and professional empowerment
  • Current issues in nursing
  • Professional Accountability and Health Care Issues
  • Family & Community Health Nursing
  • Nursing Research

Professional affiliations

  • Association of Ontario Community Health Centres
  • College of Nurses of Ontario
  • Children’s Mental Health Ontario