Student evaluators


Neuropsychological evaluations provide information about the strengths and weaknesses of your cognitive skills.

If you have a condition (or are suspected to have a condition) that impacts on or results from how your brain functions, you might benefit from a neuropsychological evaluation.

Common problems seen by neuropsychologists include, but are not limited to, learning disabilities, traumatic brain injury, and dementia. 

Typically, neuropsychological tests will examine a variety of skills and abilities, including:

  • General Intelligence
  • Problem Solving
  • Planning and Abstract Thinking
  • Attention and Concentration
  • Learning and Memory
  • Language
  • Visual and Spatial Perception
  • Motor and Sensory Skills
  • Academic Skills

Depending on your unique symptoms, condition, or injury, the evaluation may focus on some abilities more than others.

Neuropsychological evaluations in our clinic are conducted by students who are supervised by registered clinical neuropsychologists who are University of Windsor faculty members.

You will likely meet at least one of the supervisors as well as with the student who is assigned to your case. You may also meet other students who work in our clinical setting.

Our full clinic team is described on this website.

You will also meet our clinic administrator, Paulette Lafleur-Fleming, and possibly our psychometrist (a specialized technician with advanced training in how to administer tests). 

The length of testing time depends on your situation and how quickly you work. Testing may be completed in a half-day, but some assessments take longer.

If we are concerned that a single appointment is too long to capture your best performance, we may make multiple appointments for your evaluation.

During testing, you may become tired or need a break.

Please be sure to let the person testing you know if you need some time to stretch, use the restroom, have a drink of water or snack, or just need a break.

Typically, a neuropsychological evaluation will begin with a general interview. You will be asked questions about your history and background.

Your answers will help the clinician know you better and get a good understanding of your symptoms.

If a friend or family member comes with you, they may be included in the interview to help explain problems and concerns.

Next, you will do written and oral tests.

For some tests, you will be asked to write or draw something and for others, you will need to listen and answer questions.  Also, you may take some of the tests on the computer.

You will be given instructions for every task and some are timed.

In some cases, we will assign multiple team members to work with you and anyone who comes with you. 

There is nothing you need to study before your neuropsychological evaluation.  The tests are trying to get a sense of what you are able to do now, so there is no need to learn any new material or practice skills.

We will give you a list of things to bring with you. Some things to consider as you plan for your appointment:

  • Try to get a good night's sleep the night before your appointment;
  • Make sure you have plenty of time to get to your appointment.   Give yourself plenty of time for travel, to find our location, and for parking;
  • Make sure you eat something before you arrive so that you are comfortable until the lunch break;
  • If you wear hearing aids or eyeglasses, bring them with you;
  • If questionnaires were mailed to you, complete them and bring them with you to your appointment;
  • Take your medication(s) as you normally do, unless we asked you to do otherwise;
  • Bring a snack, your lunch, or money to buy lunch. We can direct you to some local places to get lunch;
  • Please bring medical records that are related to your current illness or injury. If the client is a child, please bring any school and academic records. If you have had previous evaluations of any kind, please bring those results also. 

The results of the evaluation are normally presented in a report. A copy of the report explaining the test results will be provided to you.

The report will typically include a summary of the tests you were given, a summary of important medical and personal history, current problems you are experiencing, test results, a comparison of your results to other people your age, and recommendations that will help you and your family move forward in getting better.

We recommend that you take some time to read over the report, think about questions you have, and review the report with your referring or treating doctor.

We will give you this report prior to or at your feedback session.

During the feedback session, you will be given a chance to ask questions and talk about concerns. Feedback sessions are typically booked within one month of your assessment. 

The results of your neuropsychological evaluation are written into a confidential report.

Typically, the only people who can read the report are you (the patient) and those you designate.

If you were referred to us by another professional (i.e., physician, rehabilitation specialist, or lawyer), we will provide a copy of the report to that professional only if you sign a Release of Information form. You may choose to give the results to other people, or you can ask for them to be released to other people by signing a Release of Information form.

We encourage patients to keep a copy of their report for their personal records.

Our fees are charged on a sliding scale and your ability to pay.

You will be asked to pay for your evaluation at the time of your service by our clinic administrator.

We accept cash, check, or credit card.