Windsor - Detroit

Map of Windsor, Ontario, Canada and Detroit, Michigan to the northA view of Windsor, Ontario, Canada, the Detroit River and Detroit, Michigan from space. Detroit is north of Windsor
Windsor's location in relation to other Ontario cities.
Windsor's location in relation to other cities in the region.

The Windsor-Detroit Region

Windsor, Ontario is located on the border with the United States in the southern most region of Canada, on the same latitude as northern California. It is geographically situated in the middle of a major North American urban corridor that spans from Toronto to Chicago, with easy access by train or bus to both cities. We are minutes away from downtown Detroit, Michigan, which affords students access to a lively contemporary cultural scene including world-class galleries and museums, vibrant music venues as well as historically significant architecture. The Detroit Institute of the Arts (DIA) and the Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit (MOCAD) offer an innovative program of contemporary and historical exhibitions. On the Canadian side of the border, students have access to a variety of arts programming at the Art Gallery of Windsor (AGW), Artcite Inc. (Windsor’s artist-run centre) as well as several other smaller cooperative exhibition spaces. Windsor hosts two International Film Festivals: WIFF (Windsor International Film Festival) and Media City (House of Toast’s annual experimental film festival).
We have an active visiting artist program from Canada, the United States and abroad. Proximity to Detroit enables us to draw in prominent speakers from the United States and ensures that our MFA candidates receive critical feedback from a diverse range of creative practitioners. Recent visitors have included, Lisa Anne Auerbach (Los Angeles) and blackhole-factory (Germany) Los Carpientieros (Havanna) and ThinkArchitecture (Vienna) Kent Monkman (Toronto), Dianne Borsato (Guelph/Toronto) and Andrew Hunter (Dundas/Toronto).