Personal Information Bank Index

01 - University Secretariat

Location: University Secretariat, Faculties/Schools.

Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.
Information maintained: Some or all of name, date of birth, age, home contact information, gender, marital/family status, citizenship information [Board of Governors], degrees and certifications held, areas of expertise, employment information, photographs.

Uses: Information is used to elect or appoint individuals, including to confirm eligibility to serve, administer meetings and for contact purposes and government reporting.
Users: University Secretariat, authorized individuals.
Individuals in bank: Members of the Board of Governors, Senate, Advisory Councils, Faculty Councils, and their associated committees.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Location: University Secretariat.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.
Information maintained: Some or all of name, date and/or place of birth, home/emergency contact information, gender, citizenship information, education information, degrees and certifications held, employment information, reference letters, photographs, comments and opinions.

Uses: Information is used in the selection process, and for convocation-related events.
Users: University Secretariat, Office of the President, Public Affairs and Communications (press releases), Honorary Degree Committee.
Individuals in bank: Honorary degree nominees, individuals providing information in support of nominations.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Location: University Secretariat.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.
Information maintained: Some or all of name, age, date of birth, home contact information, gender, marital/family status, citizenship information, SIN, student number, education information, financial information, mother tongue, allegation and disposition.

Uses: Information is stored as per Bylaws 31 and 33.
Users: Academic Integrity Office, University Secretariat and adjudicators.
Individuals in bank: Students.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Location: University Secretariat.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.
Information maintained: Some or all of name, age, date of birth, home contact information, gender, marital/family status, citizenship information, SIN, student number, education information, financial information, mother tongue, complaint and disposition.

Uses: Information is stored as per Bylaws 32 and 33.
Users: University Secretariat and adjudicators.
Individuals in bank: Students and faculty.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

02 - Human Resource Records

Location: Division of Human Resources, Office of Faculty Relations, offices responsible for selection and appointment committees.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.
Information maintained: Some or all of name, home contact information, gender, marital/family status, eligibility to work in Canada, employee/student number, education information, employment information, offers of employment, designated group status, contract status, union affiliation, student evaluation results, reference letters, comments and opinions.

Uses: Information is used to administer the hiring process.
Users: Division of Human Resources, Office of Faculty Relations, authorized individuals.
Individuals in bank: staff applicants, staff candidates.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Location: Division of Human Resources, Office of Faculty Relations, Faculties/Schools and Units.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.
Information maintained: Some or all of name, date of birth, home/emergency contact information, marital/family status and information, next-of-kin, beneficiary information, citizenship/immigration status, SIN, employee/student number, education information, research information, employment information, performance evaluations, discipline information, grievance information, criminal record check, attendance, financial information, disability and/or medical information, photographs, physical description, reference letters, comments and opinions.

Uses: Information is used to administer the employment relationship from the point of hiring to termination in accordance with established polices, collective agreements, and legislative requirements, and for contact/reporting purposes.
Users: Division of Human Resources, Office of Faculty Relations, Faculties/Schools and Units, authorized individuals and/or external agencies.
Individuals in bank: Faculty members, staff, beneficiaries, emergency contacts and/or next-of-kin, individuals external to the University.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Location: Division of Human Resources.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.
Information maintained: Some or all of name, date of birth, home contact information, beneficiary information, SIN, employee number, employment information, benefit information, retirement financial plans, tax information.

Uses: Information is used to administer pension entitlements and provide retirement financial planning.
Users: Division of Human Resources, and authorized external agencies.
Individuals in bank: Current and former faculty members and staff.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Location: Equity and Human Rights Services, Division of Human Resources, Office of the Provost, Deans’ Offices.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.
Information maintained: Some or all of name, date of birth, gender, employee/student number, employment information, financial information, details of issue and related documents.

Uses: Information is used to investigate and resolve employee complaints, employee misconduct, manage labour relations, and administer the grievance and arbitration process.
Users: Office of Human Rights and Equity , Division of Human Resources, Office of the Provost, authorized individuals.
Individuals in bank: Faculty members, staff, students, individuals external to the University.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Location: Division of Human Resources.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended. Information maintained: Some or all of name, date of birth, home contact information, marital/family status and information, SIN, employee number, employment information, long term disability claim information, Workplace Safety and Insurance Board claim information, financial information.

Uses: Information is used to administer claims and benefits, monitor accommodation, and for return to work planning.
Users: Division of Human Resources, authorized individuals and external agencies.
Individuals in bank: Faculty members, staff, dependents and beneficiaries.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Location: Division of Human Resources.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.
Information maintained: Some or all of name, date of birth, home contact information, gender, SIN, employee/student number, employment information, medical information.

Uses: Information is used to administer compensation, conduct laboratory or workplace inspections, provide accommodation/return to work planning, and for reporting purposes.
Users: Division of Human Resources, Faculties/Schools and Units and authorized external agencies.
Individuals in bank: Faculty members, staff, students, individuals external to the University.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Location: Division of Human Resources, Faculties/Schools and Units.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.
Information maintained: Some or all of name, home contact information, employee number, witness name, witness home contact information, witness statement.

Uses: Information is used to investigate incidents and maintain a safe campus environment.
Users: Division of Human Resources, Faculties/Schools and Units. Individuals in bank: Faculty members, staff, students, individuals external to the University.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

03 - Finance Department

Location: Finance Department.

Legal Authority: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.

Information Maintained: Some or all of name, home / personal contact information, employee number, SIN and banking information.
Uses: Information is used to document the reimbursement of expenditures, the payment of monies for supplies and services on behalf of the University, and for audit purposes.

Users: Finance Department, Faculties/Schools and Units.
Individuals in Bank: Faculty members, staff.
Retention & Disposal: 7 years

Location: Finance Department and/or Office of Research and Innovation Services. 
Legal Authority: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.
Information Maintained: Some or all of name of Researcher, employment information, home contact information, researcher/employee/student number, research information, financial information, students’ names and financial information.

Uses: Information is used to document the administration of research grants/funds, including compliance monitoring and expenditure tracking.
Users: Finance Department, Office of Research and Innovation Services , Faculties/Schools and Units, research funding agencies and other authorized individuals.
Individuals in Bank: researcher, employee/students, administrative staff.
Retention & Disposal: To be determined.

Location: Finance Department.
Legal Authority: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.
Information Maintained: Some or all of name, home contact information, employee/student number, financial information.

Uses: Information is used to document monies received by the University, including general revenues, tuition, fines, and fees for goods and services provided to external clients, and to generate invoices for outstanding accounts.
Users: Finance Department, Faculties/Schools and Units.
Individuals in Bank: Faculty members, staff, students, individuals external to the University.
Retention & Disposal: To be determined.

Location: Finance Department, Department of Alumni Affairs and Donor Communications.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.
Information maintained: Some or all of name, date of birth, home contact information, marital/family status and information, next-of-kin, education information, employment information, financial information, donation history, photographs, comments and opinions.

Uses: Information is used to administer endowments, donations and funds, recognize donors, and for contact purposes.
Users: Finance Department, Department of Alumni Affairs and Donor Communications, authorized individuals involved in development activities within Faculties/Schools and Units.
Individuals in bank: Current/prospective donors, next-of-kin.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Location: Finance Department, Department of Alumni Affairs and Donor Communications, Faculties/Schools and Units.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.
Information maintained: Some or all of name, date of birth, home contact information, gender, marital/family status and information, employee/student number, intellectual property information, education information, scholarships/awards received, employment information, associations and memberships, financial information, donation history, photographs.

Uses: Information is used to process/appraise donations, administer agreements and development activities, prepare tax receipts, recognize donors, and for contact purposes.
Users: Finance Department, Department of Alumni Affairs and Donor Communications., authorized individuals involved in development activities within Faculties/Schools and Units.
Individuals in bank: Current/prospective donors, next-of-kin.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Location: Finance Department.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.
Information maintained: Some or all of name, home contact information, marital/family status, employee number, salary, spouse salary, mortgage details, payroll deductions, mortgage guarantee information.

Uses: Information is used to administer loans, arrange payroll deductions, and approve guarantee.
Users: Finance Department, financial institution representative.
Individuals in bank: Faculty members, staff.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Location: Finance Department, Division of Human Resources.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.
Information maintained: Some or all of name, date of birth, gender, marital/family information, SIN, employee/student number, employment information, attendance, rates of pay, banking information.

Uses: Information is used to administer pay, generate T4, T4A, records of employment, reimbursements, maintain records of hours worked and vacation accrual, and for contact purposes.
Users: Division of Financial Services, Division of Human Resources, Faculties/Schools and Units.
Individuals in bank: Faculty members, staff, individuals on contract to the University, next-of-kin.
Retention and disposal: 7 years.

04 - Campus Services

Location: Parking Services.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.

Information maintained: Some or all of name, home contact information, employee/student number, vehicle information, financial information.

Uses: Information is used to administer parking services (including ticketing, payments and collection of outstanding fines), maintain records of parking infractions, and for contact purposes.
Users: Parking Services, authorized external agents.
Individuals in bank: Current and former faculty members, staff, students, alumni, individuals external to the University.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Location: Student Health Services.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended; Personal Health Information Protection Act, S.O. 2004.
Information maintained: Some or all of name, date of birth, home/next-of-kin contact information, gender, student number, health card and/or medical information, education information, country of origin.

Uses: Information is used to facilitate health care, maintain patient records, and for contact/reporting purposes.
Users: Student Health Services staff, authorized individuals and external agencies.
Individuals in bank: Patients, next-of-kin.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Location: UWin-CARD Office.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.

Information maintained:

Students- Some or all of name, home contact information, employee/student number, financial information and pictures. 

Staff/Faculty - Employee number, some or all of work contract information, UwinCARD Financial information and pictures.
Uses: Information is used to administer Uwin-CARD System, and for contact purposes.
Users: Uwin-CARD Personnel, authorized individuals.
Individuals in bank: Current and former faculty members, staff, students, alumni, individuals external to the University.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Location: Conference and Accommodation Services.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.

Information maintained: Some or all of name, home contact information, financial information.
Uses: Information is used for reservations, accommodations and administration of events, and for contact purposes.

Users: Conference Services Personnel, and authorized individuals.
Individuals in bank: Users of Conference and Accommodation Services.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Location: Catering Services.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.

Information maintained: Some or all of name, home contact information, financial information.
Uses: Information is used for reservations, accommodations and administration of events, and for contact purposes.

Users: Catering Services Personnel, and authorized individuals.
Individuals in bank: Users of Catering Services.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Location: Book Store.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.

Information maintained: Some or all of name, home contact information, financial information, student number.

Uses: Information is used for ordering, billing and for contact purposes.
Users: Book Store Personnel, and authorized individuals.
Individuals in bank: Book Store Customers.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

05 - Student Affairs / Dean of Student Records

Location: Residence Services.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.
Information maintained: Some or all of name, home/emergency contact information, gender, marital/family status and information, roommate assignments, citizenship information, student number, health card and/or medical information, education information, employment information, financial information, telephone/internet/meal plan options, photographs, personal comments and opinions.

Uses: Information is used to administer services and housing facilities and for contact purposes.
Users: Residence Services Personnel (for students occupying residences during academic year), authorized individuals and external agencies.
Individuals in bank: Students, staff or faculty, emergency contacts and/or next-of-kin, individuals external to the University.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Location: Residence Services.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.
Information maintained: Some or all of name, home/emergency contact information, gender, marital/family status and information, roommate assignments, citizenship information, student number, health card and/or medical information, education information, employment information, financial information, telephone/internet/meal plan options, photographs, personal comments and opinions.

Uses: Tracking incidents in Residence, residence life programing.
Users: Residence Services Personnel (for students occupying residences during academic year), authorized individuals and external agencies.
Individuals in bank: Students, staff or faculty, emergency contacts and/or next-of-kin, individuals external to the University.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Location: In the Office Responsible for the delivery of service.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.
Information maintained: Some or all of name, home/emergency contact information, gender, marital/family status and information, student number.

Depending on the service utilized records may contain: academic information, employment information, academic accommodation information, citizenship information, health card and/or medical information, education history, employment information, financial information, photographs.
Uses: Information is used to administer student services / housing facilities and for contact purposes.
Users: Departmental employees, authorized individuals and external agencies where required.
Individuals in bank: Students, emergency contacts and/or next-of-kin, individuals external to the University.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Location: Campus Community Police Service.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.

Information maintained: Some or all of name/aliases, date of birth, home contact information, gender, marital/family status, next-of-kin, employee/student number, vehicle/licence information, employment information, photographs, physical characteristics, criminal record check, incident and charge information, previous police contacts, comments and opinions.

Uses: Information is used to investigate security incidents, issue safety alerts, and maintain a safe campus environment.
Users: Campus Community Police Service, authorized individuals involved in investigation and/or resolution (may include external law enforcement agencies), authorized individuals.
Individuals in bank: Faculty members, staff, students, next-of-kin, individuals external to the University.
Retention and disposal: Indefinite.

Location: Campus Community Police Service.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.

Information maintained: Some or all of names, address.

Individuals in bank: staff, students, individuals external to the University.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

06 - Facilities and Administration

Location: Facility Services, Maintenance.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.
Information maintained: Some or all of name, home contact information, employee/student number.
Uses: Information is used to administer and maintain access control, including emergency alarm systems planning.

Users: Facility Services, Campus Community Police Services, Faculties/Schools and Units.
Individuals in bank: Faculty members, staff, students and individuals with key/card authorization.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Location: Facility Services, Faculties/Schools and Units.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.
Information maintained: Some or all of name, home contact information, employee/student number.

Uses: Information is used to administer the use of facilities.
Users: Facility Services and authorized individuals.
Individuals in bank: Faculty members, staff, students, individuals external to the University.
Retention and disposal period: To be determined.

Location: Insurance and Risk Management Office.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.
Information maintained: Some or all of name, home contact information, driver’s license number, driver’s abstract, employee/student number.

Uses: Information is used to administer and maintain insurance coverage for University fleet vehicles,  
Users: Facility Services, Campus Community Police Services, Legal Services, Faculties/Schools and Units.
Individuals in bank: Faculty members, staff, students and individuals authorized by the University.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

07 - Student/Alumni Affairs

Location: Faculties/Schools, Office of the Registrar.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.
Information maintained: Name, home contact information, education information, program interests.

Uses: Information is used to maintain records of prospective students and for outreach activities.
Users: Liaison and Student Recruitment Office, Faculties/Schools and Units, Office of the Registrar.
Individuals in bank: Prospective students.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Location: Office of the Registrar, Faculties, Academic Departments, Graduate Studies, Great Lakes Institute, CEPE.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.
Information maintained: Some or all of name, home contact information, gender, marital/family status and information, next-of-kin, citizenship information, visa status, SIN, student number, Ontario Universities Application Centre application code/number, education information, program interests, employment information, financial information, medical information, photographs, physical characteristics, languages spoken, extra-curricular activities, biographical information, reference letters, comments and opinions.

Uses: Information is used to determine eligibility for admission, admit and register students, issue student cards, and administer admission-related events.
Users: Office of the Registrar, Faculties/Schools and Units.
Individuals in bank: Applicants, students, next-of-kin.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Location: Office of the Registrar, Departments and Faculties.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.
Information maintained: Some or all of name, date and/or place of birth/death, home contact information, student number, education information, recommendation for graduation, discipline information, scholarships and awards received, comments and opinions.

Uses: Information is used to document academic status, record academic achievement and standing, process official transcript requests, determine eligibility for special programs (exchanges, internships, etc.), student awards, scholarships and financial support, and for contact purposes.
Users: Office of the Registrar, Faculties/Schools and Units, authorized individuals (some external to the University).
Individuals in bank: Students.
Retention and disposal: Current files are kept for 7 years after final registration period.  Applications with no registrations are destroyed after 1 year (paper information only).

Location: Office of the Registrar, Faculties/Schools and Units.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.
Information maintained: Some or all of name, date of birth/death, home/residence contact information, gender, marital/family status, next-of-kin, citizenship information, visa status, SIN, student number, Ontario Universities Application Centre application code/number, passport number, education information, program interests, recommendation for graduation, employment information, financial information, scholarship, award and bursary information, medical information, photographs, physical characteristics, languages spoken, criminal record check, extra-curricular activities, reference letters, biographical information, comments and opinion, CIC number, study permit expiration, OHIP.

Uses: Information is used to administer academic programs and activities.
Users: Office of the Registrar, Faculties/Schools and Units, authorized representatives of student governments, and other authorized individuals (some external to the University).
Individuals in bank:  students, emergency contacts and/or next-of-kin.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Location: Faculties/Schools.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.
Information maintained: Some or all of name, date of birth, home contact information, gender,  citizenship information, student number, education information, medical information, counseling notes and recommendations, comments and opinions.

Uses: Information is used to assist with academic difficulties, monitor progress, advise on course selection and other academic matters.
Users: Faculty/School/Departments, academic counseling offices, Teaching and Learning Services, and authorized individuals, Office of the Registrar.
Individuals in bank: Students.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Location: Faculties/Schools.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.
Information maintained: Some or all of name, student number, education information, exam grades/final grades, program progression, comments and opinions.

Uses: Information is used to assess academic standing and progress, document the testing and examination process, verify student grades submitted in the event of an appeal, and respond to grade inquiries.
Users: Faculties/Schools, Office of the Registrar.
Individuals in bank: Students.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Location: Faculties/Schools/Departments.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.
Information maintained: Some or all of name, home contact information, student number, education information, academic appeal information, discipline information, disability and/or medical information, details of incident and supporting documentation, comments and opinions.

Uses: Information is used to administer academic appeal and scholastic discipline processes.
Users: Faculties/Schools/Departments, Senate appeal committee, University Secretariat, Office of the Registrar, and authorized individuals.
Individuals in bank: Students, other individuals affected by or involved in the process.
Retention and disposal:To be determined.

Location: Faculty/Schools, Academic Integrity Office, University Secretariat.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.
Information maintained: Some or all of name, home contact information, student number, education information, discipline information, disability and/or medical information, details of incident and supporting documentation, comments and opinions.

Uses: Information is used to administer the non-academic discipline process.
Users: Faculties/Schools, Academic Integrity Office, University Secretariat, appeal committee, authorized individuals.
Individuals in bank: Students, other individuals affected by or involved in the process.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Location: Department of Alumni Affairs.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.
Information maintained: Some or all of name, date and/or place of birth/death, home contact information (current and historical), gender, marital/family status and information, student number, education information, scholarships/awards/honors received, employment information, financial information, donation history, philanthropic interests, relationships with donors and/or other alumni, photographs, event attendance, communication preferences, intercollegiate athletic information, volunteer information, comments.

Uses: Information is used to initiate and administer alumni relations, maintain records of gifts and pledges, recognize donors, select award/scholarship recipients, recruit volunteers, and for contact/reporting purposes.
Users: Department of Alumni Affairs, Faculties/Schools and Units, award selection committees, Department of Communications and Public Affairs, and authorized persons.
Individuals in bank: Students, alumni, next-of-kin, individuals external to the University.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Location: Office of the Registrar, student support services reporting to the Office of the Registrar, Faculties/Schools and Units.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.
Information maintained: Depending on the nature of the specific service provided, some or all of name, date of birth, home/emergency contact information, gender, marital/family status, citizenship information, student number, education information, employment information, career interests, financial information, medical information, counseling information, accommodation information, security clearance, communication preferences, reference letters, comments and opinions.

Uses: Information is used to administer programs and maintain records for various student support services.
Users: Office of the Registrar, staff in student support services, Faculties/Schools and Units, authorized external agencies.
Individuals in bank: Depending on the nature of the specific service provided, one or more of students, prospective students, staff, alumni, volunteers, and emergency contacts.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Location: Student Awards, Faculties/Schools and Units.

Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.

Information maintained: Some or all of name, date of birth, home contact information, gender, marital/family status and information, citizenship information, SIN, student number, education information, employment information, financial information, specific eligibility criteria, medical information, extra-curricular activities, comments and opinions.

Uses: Information is used to determine eligibility for financial support, administer financial aid and government financial assistance programs, provide emergency loans, maintain records of graduate funding, identify students with OSAP funding, issue tax receipts, and for contact/reporting purposes.
Users: Student Awards Faculties/Schools, Office of the Registrar, Accounts Receivable, donors, financial institutions, government bodies, and authorized individuals.
Individuals in bank: Students, next-of-kin.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Location: Faculties/Schools, Office of the Registrar.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.
Information maintained: Some or all of name, home contact information, marital/family status and information, citizenship information, SIN, student number, education information, employment information, financial information, specific eligibility criteria, photographs, reference letters, comments and opinions.

Uses: Information is used to administer scholarships and awards, maintain records of recipients, and for contact/reporting purposes.
Users: Faculties/Schools, Office of the Registrar, Department of Alumni Relations and Development, donors, government bodies, and authorized individuals.
Individuals in bank: Students, donors, next-of-kin.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Location: Faculties/Schools, Office of the Registrar.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.
Information maintained: Some or all of name, date of birth, home contact information, gender, student number, education information, employment information, reference letters, comments and opinions.

Uses: Information is used to assist in finding student placements and coop positions, and for contact / reporting purposes.
Users: Faculties/Schools, Office of the Registrar, government bodies, and authorized individuals.
Individuals in bank: Students, next-of-kin.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

08 - Community Services

Location: Housed within Clinic.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.
Information maintained: Some or all of name, home/next-of-kin contact information, student number, education information, financial information, details of issue and related documents, comments and opinions.

Uses: Information is used to provide legal and other services to clients.
Users: Legal clinics in the Faculty of Law,

Individuals in bank: Clients, next of kin, other individuals affected by or involved in the process.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Location: St. Denis Centre.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.
Information maintained: Some or all of name, date and/or place of birth, home/next-of-kin contact information, gender, employee/student number, health card and/or medical information, education information, financial information, photographs, athletics history, comments and opinions.

Uses: Information is used to administer memberships to the St. Denis Centre facility, and for contact purposes.
Users: Athletics and Recreation staff, authorized individuals.
Individuals in bank: Faculty members, staff, students, alumni, next-of-kin, individuals external to the University.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Location: St. Denis Centre.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.
Information maintained: Some or all of name, date and/or place of birth, home/next-of-kin contact information, gender, employee/student number, health card and/or medical information, education information, financial information, photographs, athletics history, comments and opinions.

Uses: Information is used to administer University of Windsor Intramural Sports programs, and for contact purposes.
Users: Athletics and Recreation staff, authorized individuals.
Individuals in bank: Faculty members, staff, students.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Location: Faculties/Schools administering summer camps and programs.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.
Information maintained: Some or all of parent, child or designated contact name, date of birth, age, home/emergency contact information, gender, marital/family status, health card and/or medical information, education information, financial information, child custody information.

Uses: Information is used to administer summer camps and programs and for contact purposes.
Users: Faculties/Schools administering summer camps and programs.
Individuals in bank: Registrants, parents of children, emergency/designated contacts.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

09 - Research and Development

Research Grant Applications

Location: Faculties/Schools and Units, Office of Research Services.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.

Information maintained: Some or all of name, home contact information, citizenship information, employee/student number, education information, research information, research award nominations, ethics protocol information, employment information, site-visit information, financial information (including funding-specific identifiers), funding appraisals, photographs, reference letters, comments and opinions.

Uses: Information is used to administer applications for funding (internal and external), maintain the accounts, develop research proposals and/or collaborations, provide feedback, administer research ethics/risk management reviews, and for contact/reporting purposes.
Users: Faculties/Schools, Office of Research Services, authorized individuals (including internal and external reviewers and funding agencies).
Individuals in bank: Faculty members, researchers, students, individuals external to the University.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Location: Office of Research Services.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.
Information maintained: Some or all of name, home contact information, citizenship, research activities, employment information.

Uses: Information is used to administer and records intellectual property, and for intellectual property registration purposes.
Users: Office of Research Services.
Individuals in bank: Researchers, research assistants, students, and individuals external to the University.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

10 - Information and Communications

Location: Public Affairs and Communications Department, Faculties/Schools and Units.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended. Information maintained: Some or all of name, home contact information, next-of-kin and/or family information, employee/student number, education information, invitation information.

Uses: Information is used to promote the University, its activities, and opportunities for involvement.
Users: Public Affairs and Communications Department, Faculties/Schools and Units.
Individuals in bank: Current and former faculty members, staff, students, alumni, next-of-kin, and individuals external to the University.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Location: University of Windsor Libraries.Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.

Information maintained: Some or all of name, home contact information, employee/student number, education information, employment information, reasons for requesting borrower privileges.

Uses: Information is used to administer accounts, and for contact purposes.

Users: University of Windsor Libraries staff (including on-campus resource centres), authorized individuals involved in development activities.

Individuals in bank: Current and former faculty members, staff, students, individuals external to the University.

Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Location: University of Windsor Libraries.

Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.

Information maintained: Some or all of name, home contact information, employee/student number, borrowing history and resource requested.

Uses: Information is used to facilitate inter library loans, administer accounts, and for contact purposes.

Users: University of Windsor Libraries staff (including on-campus resource centres), authorized individuals involved in development activities. 

Individuals in bank: Current and former faculty members, staff, students, individuals external to the University.Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Location: Faculties/Schools and Units.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.
Information maintained: Some or all of name, home contact information, employee/student number, education information, employment information.

Uses: Information is used to administer equipment loans.
Users: Faculties/Schools and Units.
Individuals in bank: Faculty members, staff, students.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.

Location: IT Services.
Legal authority to collect: University of Windsor, 1962-63, as amended.
Information maintained: Some or all of name, username, home/residence contact information, employee/student number.

Uses: Information is used to manage student, Faculty and Staff access to University networks, provide Internet and e-mail accounts for students, faculty members and staff, administer access permissions, respond to user inquiries, investigate incidents, produce long-distance telephone charge reports, and for contact purposes.
Users: Division of Information Technology Services.
Individuals in bank: Faculty members, staff, students, individuals external to the University.
Retention and disposal: To be determined.v

Please be advised that the University's Personal Information Bank Index is updated periodically and is subject to change.