A to Z List of Research Sources

  • Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation, 10th Edition Best Bet

    The McGill Guide is a bilingual, uniform approach to the citation of case law, legislation, periodicals, monographs, gov docs, online sources, and other secondary materials across jurisdictions.

  • CanLii Best Bet

    The CanLII.org website provides access to court judgments from all Canadian courts, including the Supreme Court of Canada, federal courts, and the courts in all Canada’s provinces and territories. 

  • HeinOnline Best Bet Featured

    Primary and secondary material from around the world. More than 208 million pages of journals, government documents, international resources, and case law. Includes the Annual Statutes of the Parliament of Canada, Canada Supreme Court Reports, Provincial Statutes of Canada, and Revised Statutes of Canada.

  • Lexis+ Canada Best Bet Featured

    Comprehensive coverage of Canadian case law, tribunal decisions, statutes and regulations, along with some commentary and value-added functionality. Windsor Law users are provided with a password for this product.

  • Westlaw Edge Canada Best Bet Featured

    Includes primary sources, commentary, court documents, forms and precedents. Full text source for Canadian law resources. Includes the Canadian Abridgement Digests and Canadian Encyclopedic Digest; cases (reported and unreported), commentary, legislation, and journal articles. Also includes robust collection of US law. Windsor Law users are provided with a password for this product.

  • AGIS Plus Text

    Over 300 journals and reports covering Australian Law and Legal Issues.

  • Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals

    ALC provides the full text of the most important decisions of the International Criminal Court, including concurring, separate and dissenting opinions.

  • Canadian Lawyer and CL+

    Canadian Lawyer is magazine that covers the field. The magazine is also affiliated with the online publication, Law Times. Canadian Lawyer also produces special industry reports through CL+. If you are interested in reading one of these CL+ reports, please reach out to lawreference@uwindsor.ca

  • CCH AnswerConnect

    A comprehensive federal & international tax resource that includes the Annotated Income Tax Act & Regulations, Federal Income Tax Forms and Guides, Canadian Tax Reporter Commentary, Dominion Tax Cases, CRA Technical Interpretations and Commentary, and the Canadian Estate Planning Guide.

  • CriminalSource

    Statutes, cases, textbooks on criminal law. Contains Canadian Criminal Code & other statutes, links to the full-text of criminal cases and textbooks including McWilliam’s Canadian Criminal Evidence. Non-law campus users use this link.

  • Current Index to Legal Periodicals

    Since 1936, CILP indexes the most recent issues of primarily American law journals. Published weekly, CILP provides topical access to nearly 650 legal publications organized using 104 subject headings.

  • EmploymentSource
    Use EmploymentSource, WestlawNext Canada's Employment Law content in a single search, or navigate to specific employment law content. Non-law campus users use this link. Use this link to find a list of contents.

  • ICLR

    The Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England and Wales (ICLR) contains the official Law Reports, The Weekly Law Reports, The Industrial Cases Reports, The Business Law Reports, The Public and Third Sector Law Reports and the Consolidated Index to leading law reports.

  • Irwin Books
    Irwin Law publishing was was established in 1996, affiliated with the Stoddart Publishing Group. In 1999, Irwin Law was purchased by Quicklaw and then purchased by purchased by a small group led and in July 2024 was acquired by University of Toronto Press. Windsor Law access to Irwin Books is via vLex.

  • LabourSource

    Use LabourSource to search WestlawNext Canada's Labour Law content in a single search, or navigate to specific labour law content. A list of contents is are available at this link and videos on using LabourSource are also available. Non-law campus users use this link.

  • Law360
    journalism and legal insights as they emerge in real time

  • Legal Classics

    Legal Classics contains thousands of historical works from authors including including Joseph Story, Jeremy Bentham, William Blackstone, and many more

  • Litigator

    Litigator is a collection of “searchable digests quantifying awards from relevant Canadian court decisions. Sorted by award amount and presented as a range for convenient assessment of a client’s claim, these quantum digests have been prepared specially to cover seven distinct areas of law.” Non-law campus users use this link.

  • LLMC Digital

    LLMC Digital includes many early law reports for Canada and the UK, including the English Reports, Full Reprint (pre-1865 English law reports), and the Law Reports.

  • Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises

    A comprehensive collection of legal treatises on U.S. and British law published from 1800 through 1926.

  • O'Brien's Encyclopedia of Forms

    O’Brien’s Encyclopedia of Forms, a comprehensive collection of legal forms and precedents. Windsor Law users are provided with a password for this product.

  • Oxford Reports on International Law

    Coverage of public international case law, reporting on international courts, domestic courts and ad hoc tribunals.

  • PACER: Public Access to Electronic Records from United States Federal Courts

    Speak to a law librarian for assistance. This is a pay-per-use provider. PACER provides case and docket information from federal appellate, district and bankruptcy courts, and the PACER Case Locator.

  • ProView

    ProView is the e-book platform through Thomson Reuters, featuring these legal texts.

  • SSRN Legal Scholarship Network

    The Legal Scholarship Network on SSRN is an open access preprint server. Members of Windsor Law are able to subscribe to customizable alerts within the Legal Scholarship Network. SSRN also allows authors to showcase their research papers and to discover the most downloaded pre-prints. 

  • VitalSource

    Over 25 ebooks from Emond Publishing. Logging in is not necessary; Click on Continue without an Account to access texts. Works can be borrowed for 48 hours.

  • vLex

    Full-text judgments from UK, Australia and Canada. Content includes: England and Wales Judgments Complete (1852 -); UK Statutes from 1235 forward including amendment information; Canadian and Australian cases; Justcite functionality. Irwin Law e-book collection is also found in this source.