- Customs Valuation in Canada, Don Mills: CCH Canadian Limited, 1985, 286 pages
Editor or Co-editor
- The Auto Pact: Investment, Labour and the WTO, Maureen Irish (ed.),The Hague/London/New York: Kluwer Law International, 2004
- International Trade & Intellectual Property: The Search for a Balanced System, George R. Stewart, Myra J. Tawfik & Maureen Irish (eds.), Boulder, Colo.: Westview, 1994
- The Legal Framework for Canada-United States Trade, Maureen Irish & Emily F. Carasco (eds.), Toronto: Carswell, 1987
Selected Articles and Chapters
- "The Review of International Commercial Arbitral Awards and the New York Convention: Breaking the Link to Administrative Law" (2021) 52:2 Ottawa L Rev 157-203
- "The Trade Facilitation Agreement: Is the Doha Development Round Succeeding?" (2019) 11:1 Trade L & Development 38-51
- "Of Trade and Beer: NAFTA, the Comeau Case and Regulatory Cooperation" 2017 Canada-United States Law Institute Distinguished Lecture, (2018) 42 Can-US LJ 159-80
- "States and Borders" Remarks, 2018 Sidney Picker, Jr. Award, (2018) 42 Can-US LJ 181-83
- "The Federal Courts of Canada" in Robert Howse, Hélène Ruiz-Fabri, Geir Ulfstein & Michelle Q. Zang (eds.), The Legitimacy of International Trade Courts and Tribunals, Cambridge University Press, 2018, 202-26
- "Development, Reciprocity and the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement" (2017) 14:1 Manchester J Intl Econ L 50-68
- "Canadian Tariff Classification of Parts and Entities: Statutory Interpretation and Persuasive Authority" (2016) 16 Asper Rev Intl Bus & Trade L 45-95
- "Renewable Energy and Trade: Interpreting Against Fragmentation" (2013) 51 Can YB Intl L 217-58
- "Least-Developed Countries, Climate Change and Trade" (2012) Law and Development Review, Vol. 5, No. 2, Article 2
- "Trade, Border Security and Development" in Yong-Shik Lee, Gary Horlick, Won-Mog Choi & Tomer Broude (eds.), Law and Development Perspective on International Trade Law, Cambridge University Press, 2011, 81-101
- "Special and Differential Treatment, Trade and Sustainable Development" (2011) Law and Development Review, Vol. 4, No. 2, Article 5
- "Supply Chain Security Programs and Border Administration" (2009) 3:2 World Customs J 43-48
- "Regulatory Convergence, Security and Global Administrative Law in Canada-United States Trade" (2009) 12 J Intl Econ L 333-365
- "Objectivity and Statutory Interpretation: End Use in the Canadian Customs Tariff" (2008) 46 Can YB Intl L 3-53
- "Regional Trade, the WTO and the NAFTA Model" in Ross Buckley, Vai Io Lo & Laurence Boulle (eds.), Challenges to Multilateral Trade: The Impact of Bilateral, Preferential and Regional Agreements, Kluwer Law International, 2008, 87-114
- "WTO Restraints on Regionalism" in Michèle Rioux (ed.), Building the Americas, Brussels, Bruylant, 2007, 307-316
- "GSP Tariffs and Conditionality: A Comment on EC - Preferences" (2007) 41:4 J World Trade 683-698
- "Global Public Policy and the World Trade Organization after Shrimp/Turtle and Asbestos" (2004) 42 Can YB Intl L 253-352
- “NAFTA Chapter 9 and the WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade" in Kevin C. Kennedy (ed.), The First Decade of NAFTA: The Future of Free Trade in North America, Ardsley, N.Y.: Transnational Publishers, 2004, 57-70
- “NAFTA Chapter 19 and the Law of Judicial Review in Canada” (1999) 2 Ars Iuris (Universidad Panamericana, Mexico City) 161-91, companion piece for two articles published in the same volume: H.B. Endsley, “United States Standard of Review” 151-60; H. Veytia Palomino & J. Angel Gutierrez, “El Criterio de Revisión para México” 193-213
- “Transnationalism and the Settlement of Disputes: The Role of Non-State Actors” in M. K. Young & Y. Iwasawa (eds.), Trilateral Perspectives on International Legal Issues: Relevance of Domestic Law and Policy, Irvington, N.Y.: Transnational Publishers, 1996, 363-376
- “Machinery Remission: Transparency and the Rule of Law (1994) 23:2 Can Bus LJ 161-200
- "Intellectual Property and North-South Relations” in G.R.Stewart, M.J. Tawfik & M. Irish (eds.), International Trade & Intellectual Property: The Search for a Balanced System, Westview, 1994, 181-187
- “Interpretation and Naming: The Harmonized System in Canadian Customs Tariff Law” (1993) 31 Can YB Intl L 89-150
- <<L'objet de l'interprétation: une réplique aux commentaires de M. Krauss>> (1990) 24 Revue juridique Thémis 397-402
- “The Most-Favoured Nation Principle and Developing Countries” in M. Irish & E.F. Carasco (eds.), The Legal Framework for Canada-United States Trade, Carswell, 1987, 249-263