Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards

Please note that the following awards are specific to our Department or Faculty. For other awards or further information please contact the Department of Student Awards and Financial Aid.

Further note:  All awards are subject to budgetary approval and may not be awarded for the upcoming year due to budgetary restraints.

Outstanding Scholars (Entrance Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards)

In addition to being considered for our Entrance Scholarships, if you intend to major in an honours program you may be eligible for an Outstanding Scholars Award. This program is geared to top students with the potential to become leaders in their fields, provides mentoring and the opportunity to work closely with faculty on academic projects. For more information about this program, please click on the link below.

Ana Besné Award (In-Program Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards)

To be awarded annually to a student majoring in Languages, Literatures and Cultures, on the basis of:

  • demonstrated academic achievement in courses at the 200-level and above
  • service to the department.

Preference will be given to students who have taken courses in more than a single area of the department.

Automatic, no application is required.

Joseph T. Culliton Award in the Humanities (In-Program Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards)

This award is to honour the memory of Rev. Dr. Joseph T. Culliton, Professor of Religious Studies, former Dean of Arts, and staunch advocate of the Humanities during his long career.

Awarded annually to a full-time student in third or fourth year who is pursuing a major or joint major in Greek and Roman Studies, English, History, Modern Languages, Philosophy, Music, Dramatic Art or Visual Arts.

Applications must include an essay (1000 words) discussing the importance of the Humanities and a liberal arts education in our changing world. (Submit to Student Awards and Financial Aid Office in an envelope clearly marked for this award).

Applicants should have a 77-79.9% average and demonstrate financial need.

Apply on-line. Deadline: January 31.

Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee Endowment Fund for Study in a Second Official Language Award Program (In-Program Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards)

Please read the eligibility criteria carefully. Some restrictions apply. Fields of study: All disciplines, except translation, are eligible. Eligibility:

  • applications are by nomination by the candidate's university
  • one nomination per university
  • candidates must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents and be enrolled in the second or third year of their first undergraduate university program
  • candidates attending a Quebec institution can be in their first year of a first undergraduate program

Value: $7,000 plus travel costs
Number available: minimum two
Duration: One year, non-renewable
Eligible institutions: Any university which is a member, or affiliated with a member, of AUCC (Canadian campus) and which offer instructions in the student's second official language.
For more information: Contact

Rosa Schreiber Award (In-Program Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards)

A competition award open to Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences students in Second year or beyond. Applicants must submit a 1,500 - 2,000 word essay on some aspect of moral courage.

This competition will be held in alternate years.

Established in 1995 to honour Rosa Schreiber, an Austrian freedom fighter who risked her life to help others during World War II.

Submissions must be made to the Student Awards Office by March 1st. Only awarded in alternate years.

The Next award is for 2015-2016 year with a March 1, 2016 deadline.


Le Programme de bourses d’études postsecondaires en français langue seconde, financé par le gouvernement du Canada et administré par l’Association des collèges et universités de la francophonie canadienne (ACUFC), vise à encourager les étudiantes et étudiants dont la première langue officielle est l’anglais, à poursuivre leurs études postsecondaires en français.


Bourse non renouvelable de 3 000 $


  • Être inscrit à temps plein en Études françaises – 3 bourses FLS seront disponibles en 2025-2026;
  • Être citoyen canadien ou résident permanent du Canada;
  • Avoir l’anglais comme première langue officielle du Canada parlée;
  • Avoir fait tes études secondaires dans un établissement anglophone ou de langue non officielle (c’est-à-dire, ni anglophone, ni francophone) et en être diplômé;
  • Suivre au moins 50 % des cours et activités connexes (stages et activités de formation dans la communauté) en français.

Une attention particulière sera accordée aux étudiantes et étudiants en difficulté financière et à celles et ceux provenant de groupes sous-représentés.

NE SONT PAS ADMISSIBLES : Les étudiant(e)s dont la première langue officielle du Canada parlée est le français. Les étudiant(e)s qui sont diplômés d’une école secondaire francophone. Les étudiant(e)s internationaux(ales) et les réfugié(e)s.


Le formulaire de demande sera affiché en 2025-2026.


La date limite sera annoncée en 2025-2026.


The Bursaries for Postsecondary Studies in French as a Second Language Program, funded by the Government of Canada and administered by the Association des collèges et universités de la francophonie canadienne (ACUFC), aims to encourage students whose first official language spoken is English, to pursue their postsecondary studies in French.


$3,000, non-renewable bursary


  • Be enrolled full-time in a French Studies degree program – 3 FSL bursaries will be available in 2025-2026.
  • Be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada.
  • Have English as the first Canadian official language spoken.
  • Have completed their high school studies in an English or non-official language (neither French nor English) institution and graduated from said institution.
  • Take at least 50% of their courses and participate in related activities (placements and training activities in the community) in French.

Special consideration will be given to students facing financial challenges and those who come from under-represented groups.

NOT ELIGIBLE: Students whose first Canadian official language spoken is French or who are graduates of a French-language secondary school. International students and refugees.


The application form will become available in 2025-2026.


To be announced in 2025-2026.

La bourse d’entrée Pierre Potier, S.J. en composition française (Entrance Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards)

Le concours est ouvert aux étudiant(e)s qui entrent en première année dans un programme de spécialisation en français de quatre ans.Les candidat(e)s doivent soumettre une composition en français (500 mots) sur un ou plusieurs aspects de la vie et de la culture franco-ontariennes. Le concours se tiendra à l’automne pendant les deux premières semaines de classes. Les étudiant(e)s seront surveillé(e)s et pourront apporter un dictionnaire.

La valeur de la bourse (1,000 $) sera affectée aux frais de scolarité de la première année à l’Université de Windsor. Le/la gagnant(e) sera averti(e) par courriel.

Pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez contacter:

French Studies Program
University of Windsor Windsor, Ontario, N9B 3P4
Telephone: (519) 253-3000 ext. 2873
Fax: (519) 971-3648

The Pierre Potier, S.J. Entrance Scholarship in French Composition (Entrance Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards)

The competition is open to students entering first year as an Honours French Studies major. Candidates must write a 500-word composition in French on one or more aspects of Franco-Ontarian Life and Culture. The composition will be written during the first two weeks of classes in the Fall semester under supervision and the only reference material allowed will be a dictionary brought by the student.

The scholarship value ($1,000) is applied to the winner’s first-year tuition costs at the University of Windsor. The winner will be informed by email.

For further information, please contact:

French Studies Program
University of Windsor Windsor, Ontario, N9B 3P4
Telephone: (519) 253-3000 ext. 2873
Fax: (519) 971-3648

Le Prix Richelieu Award

Awarded annually to a full or part-time student who is pursuing a degree in French Studies, including combined and concurrent programs, who has successfully completed at least one year towards their degree and who has a proven record of involvement in activities that promote French language and culture, e.g., membership in a French language club, volunteer work, participation in a French language exchange/study abroad program etc. Preference will be given to a student who has graduated from a full French or French immersion high school. See special instructions for details on how to apply.

Application Open Date: August 1

Application Deadline: December 31

Special Instructions: Apply directly to the Head of the Languages, Literatures and Cultures department by December 31. Your application package must include: A cover letter explaining how you meet the criteria of the award, An up-to-date resume, 2 letters of reference.

Dr. Marie Caron Memorial Scholarship (In-Program Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards)

Awarded annually to an outstanding student entering fourth year Honours French Studies. A minimum GPA of 10.5 is required. Established in 1989 in memory of Dr. Marie Caron, Professor of French, and member of the Department from 1964 to 1988.

Automatic. No application is required.

Ernest & Angèle Renaud Memorial Award (In-Program Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards)

Awarded annually to a student majoring in French Studies, entering Level 3 or 4. Recipient must have a major average of at least 77-79.9%. Established in 1993 by the Renaud family.

Automatic. No application is required

La bourse des anciens des Études françaises (In-Program Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards)

One award is avaible annually. Awarded based on academic performance (major and cumulative GPA of 72% or above) to a French Studies student taking part in an exchange with a French-language university in France or Quebec during their third year of study.

Award Amount: $500.00

Deadline: June 30 of the year preceding the semester-long (fall or winter) or year-long (fall and winter) exchange. The award will be applied to the fall term of the exchange.

Special Instructions: Apply directly to French Studies with a cover letter, transcript, and proof that an exchange application was successful.

Mrs. Murielle Whissel - French Scholarship (In-Program Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards)

Up to three awards to be allocated annually to full-time students participating in French Studies exchange programs at the Université de Nice or the Université du Québec à Montréal. The awards are based on good academic standing (minimum major GPA in French Studies of 73-76.9%), and financial need. Successful candidates must be Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents, meeeting OSAP Ontario residency requirements.

Apply on-line. Deadline: September 30.


Anita W. and Arthur Wendt Award in German (In-Program Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards)

Awarded to the German Major student returning for third or fourth year with the highest major average in German program courses (minimum 3 German language program courses) who demonstrates financial need. Preference will be given to a student registered in the Ontario-Baden-Würtemberg Exchange Program. The successful candidate must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, who meets Ontario residency requirements. Established in 2003 in honour of Anita W. and Arthur Wendt by Susan Wendt-Hildebrandt.

The application deadline is October 15.

Giovani Caboto Club Scholarship in Italian Studies (In-Program Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards)

Awarded annually for excellent achievement in intermediate or advanced Modern Languages-Italian Stream courses (language, literature and civilization). Open to full-time students registered in Year 2, 3 or 4 at the University of Windsor (which includes those students spending a term or a year at either the University of Calabria, or the University of Udine, our sister universities in Italy). Priority will be given to full-time students majoring in Modern Languages-Italian Stream. Established in 1986 and financed by the proceeds of the "Italian of the Year" banquet.

Automatic. No application is required.