Online training promises improvement in web skills

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If you work at the University and want to enhance your web skills or acquire new ones, you should join the Drupal training session. Drupal is a content management system that allows web editors to create and update the web pages.

At the session, you will learn how to build pages, add images, create menus and content blocks. You will also learn how to follow web standards and best practices for accessibility, usability, and functionality.

The session will be led by Rob Aitkens, the web development team leader, who will teach the basics and answer your questions.

The Drupal session is open to all University employees, including students, who work on UWindsor’s official website. Reserve your spot for the live online Drupal training offered on Thursday, Feb. 15, from 1 to 3 p.m.

Web governance training is also being offered by the University’s partner vendor Monsido on Thursday, Feb. 15, at 11 a.m. and Tuesday, Feb. 27, 2:30 p.m. Sign-up is required for the web governance sessions.