Specializing in Sport Performance, Workplace Safety, and Healthy Living

At the Centre for Human Performance and Health (CHPH), we focus on improving sport performance, workplace safety, and healthy living. Our researchers join experts in other fields such as medicine, nursing, psychology and engineering to deliver community programs under three core tenets: Exercise as Medicine, Biomechanics and Workplace Safety, and Sport Performance.
The CHPH is located within the Faculty of Human Kinetics at the University of Windsor and brings together experts from the Department of Kinesiology and the Division of Athletics and Recreation Services. Our team offers exceptional expertise in the field of human movement.
The CHPH improves athletic performance, working with a range of athletes from those at local organizations to those competing at international and Olympic levels. Our research involves the development of strength and conditioning programs, enhanced mental training for peak performance, improved rehabilitation progress, and areas involving sports participation and performance.
The University of Windsor delivers a formative education that ignites life-changing growth in our students and the community – building on the success of the past with an eye toward the future. The Centre for Human Performance and Health (CHPH) is our bold step towards creating a more vibrant society by uniquely integrating the mutual benefits of healthy living, sport performance, and workplace safety.
For more information about the CHPH, please contact director of operations Chad Sutherland at chads@uwindsor.ca.