Final oral defense: Gnanesh Nagesh (M.A.Sc.) "Development of a pneumatically controllable microdroplet generator with electrical sensing"
Final oral defense: MSc Thesis Defense by: Vipul Malhotra (M.Sc.) "A Secure Proof of Delivery Scheme for Crowdsourced Last Mile Delivery Using Blockchain"
Final oral defense: Mukesh Arvind Raju (M.A.Sc.) "Design of a Regulated Micromachined Air-Sniffer Using Thermal Transpiration Effect for E-Nose Applications"
Final oral defense: Sabrina Borg (M.H.K.) “Perception of Online Training by University Age Athletes: Successes and Failures"
Final oral defense: Akash Mathew (M.A.Sc.) "Advanced Exergy Analysis of a WhisperGen Stirling Engine"
Final oral defense: Ze Li (Ph.D.) "Novel Multi-parameter Estimation Scheme Towards Multi-phase PMSM Performance Improvement and Thermal Protection"
Final oral defense: Claire Doherty (M.Sc.) "Towards an integration of metabolic and food web ecology in freshwater fishes: a proof-of-concept with two warmwater piscivores"