Final oral defense: Alyssa Eby (M.Sc.) ": Examining the links between environmental variation, foraging behaviour and foraging success in an Arctic seabird"
Final oral defense: K8e Sage (M.F.A.) "how do I inhabit what I inherit? : embodying the queer archive"
Final oral defense: Tingzhou Tong (M.A.Sc.) "Wind Tunnel Study of Wind-induced Loads on Building Balconies"
Final oral defense: Mohammadsina Semnarshad (M.A.Sc.) "Microscopic Simulation Analysis of Connected and Autonomous Cars and Trucks at a Freeway Merge Area"
Final oral defense: Elizaveta Gorshkova (M.F.A.) "The Happily Ever After Lie: A documentary exploration of heteronormative romantic cinema and the lived experience"
Final oral defense: Saiteja Danda (M.Sc.) "Identification of Cell-types in scRNA-seq data via Enhanced Local Embedding and Clustering"