GA and TA Resources

Graduate and teaching assistants (GAs and TAs) are employed by academic department to assist with teaching-related duties. Notices of available positions are posted on departmental websites before the beginning of the semester. Interested applicants should contact their department/program for guidance regarding available GA or TA positions.

Graduate and Teaching Assistants are unionized and governed by a Collective Agreement (CUPE 4580).

GAs and TAs are not permitted to begin work duties until their contract has been approved by Graduate Studies and all required documentation has been submitted and reviewed by Human Resources to determine that all legal requirements have been met. An email confirmation will be sent to GAs and TAs once their contract has been approved.

If you are a new student employee of the University, or if it has been more than one year since your last contract with the University of Windsor, please review the detailed instructions on the HR website under section “For Students: New Hire Package”.

Full-time doctoral and Master's students in eligible programs may be offered a Graduate Assistantship (GA) for up to 140 hours per term. Under the current GA/TA collective agreement, a Master’s students who is offered a GA position will receive GA support for a total of three terms, and a doctoral student - for seven terms. Additional grace GA term(s) may be provided depending on availability. 

The current value of a full 140-hr GA appointment is $5,943 per term for Master's GAs, and 6,623.40 per term for Doctoral GAs (rates as of Sept. 2024 in the Collective Agreement (CUPE 4580)

  • Note that GAs are paid employment positions - for details review the information about employment of graduate students.
  • Notices of available GA positions are posted on the departmental website before the beginning of the term. For available positions contact the graduate department or program where you are interested in applying for a GA position

Some departments may offer teaching assistantships (TAs) for undergraduate students. Notices of available TA positions are posted on the departmental website before the beginning of the term. For available positions contact the department or program where you are interested in applying for a TA position

The TA hourly pay rates are specified in the Collective Agreement (CUPE 4580).

Resources for new and current GAs and TAs

The GATA network team holds GATAcademy every Fall, with interactive workshops for both new and experienced GAs and TAs. For more information on this and other events coordinated by the GATA Network, please visit:

Review the GATA Network team's GA/TA Handbook (launched in 2024) designed to support GAs/TAs as they begin their roles. Chapters include common GA/TA roles and responsibilities, grading and effective feedback, leading labs and tutorials, teaching strategies and other various resources.

Workshops are periodically offered to graduate assistants and teaching assistants in all departments - view Resources / Workshops for GAs and TAs.

Individual Meetings through GATA Network: Individual meetings can be arranged for those who cannot attend the pre-set office hours. To set-up an individual meeting please email one of the GATA Network Coordinators at

Review the GATA Network YouTube channel for a variety of learning resources for students.

An orientation for new graduate and teaching assistants in all faculties and departments is held by the Faculty of Graduate Studies each Fall - for copies of materials and recording of the most recent orientation visit the annual GA/TA orientation workshop webpage.  

The GATAcademy is also held annually by the GATA network team, with interactive workshops for both new and experienced GAs and TAs - for information on this and other events coordinated by the GATA Network visit:

Graduate and Teaching Assistantships are paid as a salary and considered employment. Review additional information regarding employment of fulltime graduate students.

Obtaining an Employee Number 

New GAs and TAs who have not been previously employed by the University will need to be issued an Employee Number by Human Resources (HR). Review the detailed instructions on the HR website under section titled "For Students: New Hire Package”.

Mandatory Employee Training

All new employees at the University of Windsor, including new GAs and TAs, must complete mandatory training for new employees. For guidance contact the department where you are holding a GA/TA contract and review the instructions on the HR website about mandatory employee training.

If graduate students receiving GAs wish to enroll in the payroll deferment plan through the Cashier's Office, a payroll deferment form must be submitted to the cashier's office each term within the cashier's posted deadline - for details refer to the instructions on the cashier's payment options webpage under "Graduate Students Payroll Deferment Plan".