Aaron Chiu

Aaron Chiu standing in front of shiny backdropMASc Student

Aaron Chiu has always had an attachment with vehicles whether it be cars, trains, or planes. That's why he decided to attend McMaster University focusing on Automotive technologies. His first experience with Numerical Modelling was with Vitesco Technologies (Previously Continental's powertrain division) where he conducted various Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations for the design team. He then had the opportunity to visit the Politecnico di Torino in Turin, Italy to conduct heat transfer simulations on an automotive battery. This further cemented his interest in the field in the field of numerical modeling. This led him to join the NanoACE Research Group under the supervision of Dr. Nickolas Eaves, in January 2023, to pursue his Master's in Applied Science in Mechanical Engineering.

Educational Background:

  • Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech) in Automotive and Vehicle Engineering Technology, McMaster University, Graduation with Distinction, December 2022
  • Advanced Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Technology, Mohawk College
  • Certificate in Business Management, Mohawk College

Research Interests:

Numerical Modelling, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Combustion Applications, Particle Formation and Dynamics, Transportation Technologies


Playing Japanese Mahjong, Building Scale Models, History in the Modern Era