Success Stories

Student Awards and Scholarships

Congratulations go out to Anindya Banerji who is one of the 90 University of Windsor students (one of the three international students) who was successful in the 2014-15 Ontario Graduate Scholarship Competition. 

Metals anchor platinum to graphene

Group photo

The platinum/graphene interface is strengthened by metal adatoms that share their electrons evenly between platinum and graphene.  Read the article on the University of Windsor's Leddy Library website.

UWindsor engineer and GM Canada celebrate award with nation's top science and engineering researchers

Dr. Alpas and his team

"Dr. Alpas and his team have shown why these [research] partnerships are important, delivering results that have benefitted the automotive industry and beyond," said Kevin Williams, president and managing director of GM of Canada. "This award-winning research has led to efficiency improvements in a number of areas, including powertrain manufacturing and vehicle operation."

Relationship with GM both enduring and productive, says award-winning engineering researcher

Dr Alpas with his past and present students standing around a new GM vehicle

"This recognizes the best in industry and academic collaboration," said Janet Walden, NSERC's vice-president of research partnership programs, who was on hand to present the award. "It was easy for us to recognize just how outstanding this work is." 

NSERC/GM IRC's Research on Lightweight Materials Praised by the Canadian Manufacturing

Dr Alpas sitting at his computer desk

Canadian Manufacturing's Design Engineering Magazine praised the NSERC/GM IRC as a "Canadian research team on the cutting edge of using lighter moving parts in vehicles"

Researchers Tout Natural Solution to Technological Challenge

Doctoral student Mehdi Shafiei is investigating ways to mimic natural textures