Fall 2024 - Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Courses


Class Description


Course Description 

ELEC - 8230-01

Systems Theory 

Shervin Erfani

Continuous and discrete time systems, state formulation techniques, controlability and observability concepts, and system simulation. 

ELEC - 8550-01

Computer Arithmetic 

Huapeng Wu

This course presents a detailed description of general class of general class of fixed-radix number systems, floating-point representation, algorithms and architectures for sequential and fast computation of multiplication, devision and square root extraction, elementary functions, logarithmic and residue number systems, finite field arithmetic operations, error control in arithmetic processors.  Course assisgments and mini-projects on practical on practical aspects of the course are required. 

ELEC - 8560-01

Computer Networks 

Ahmed Sakr

This course will cover concepts and protocols which enable heterogeneous computer networks to work with each other, including transport (TCP, UDP), network (IP, IPng), routing (RIP, OSPF), network management (SNMP, SNMPv2, RMON), and other important protocols like ARP, ICMP, DNS, BOOTP, DHCP and HTTP.  Advanced topcis like Mobile IP, real-time and reservation protocols (RTP, RSVP), IP multicast (IGMP MBONE) and network secruity wil also be examined.  Emphasis will be on broad coverge, as well as hands-on programming experiences. Local area networks, performance of queueing, multiple access schemes, IEEE802 standards, wireless LANs and Wireless personal area networks will also be covered. 

ELEC - 8600-01

Reconfigurable Computing 


History and evolution of reconfigurable computing (RC) systems; FPGA-based and multi-FPGA systems, CAD mapping tools, run-time reconfiguration, study of recent RC systems from academia and industry targeting a wide range of applications.  Literature review and paper presentation on specific topics is also required.  The course may required a mix of project and assignments. 

ELEC - 8900-14

Special Topics: Secure Electronics Commerce

Shervin Erfani 

Cyrptography review, crytographic protocols, secure electronics transactions, public key certificates and infrastructures, authentication and authorization certificates, secure credential services and role-based authorization, mibile code security, security of agent-based systems, electronics payment systems, intellectual property protection, secure time-stamping and notarization, Web service architectures and standards; security and digital rights management in e-business environments. 

ELEC - 8900-30

(C/L MECH 8290-60)

Special Topics: Adv. Energy Storage Systems 

Balakumar Balasingam

This is a graduate level course desiged to provide in depth knowledge in enery storage systems, particularly, batteries.  This course will introduce important battery management problems, such as, battery fuel gauging, optimal charging, and cell balancing, and introduce engineering approaches to solve them.  This course offers hands on experience in battery management through programming examples supported by realistic data. 

ELEC - 8900-110 

Special Topics: Connected Autonomous Vehicles 

Ning Zhang

This course introduces the fundamentals of connected vechiles and automated vehicle technology.  The course will cover the following topics: perception, deep learning, vehicular communication, access, routing, intelligent computing, performance analysis, cybersecurity, and some emerging topics. 

ELEC - 8900-115

Speical Topics: Design of AC Machines 


This course is specifically offered to the graduate students with the basic knowledge on electric machines to cover the most important concepts on design of AC machines.  Step-by-step procedure to electromagnetically design of AC electric machines e.g., induction machines and Permanent Magnet (PM) machines, is covered in the course by discussing about the principles of magnetic circuits, filed distribution and losses in rotating machines. 

ELEC - 8970


Chunhong Chen

Thesis - required for all MASc students 

ELEC - 9980 


Chunhong Chen

Dissertation - required for all PhD students