News and Events

Oct 12th, 2022
Caroline HammThe University of Windsor will award an honorary degree to physician Caroline Hamm (pictured) and engineering professor emeritus Philip H. Alexander.

University to honour physician and scholar

The University of Windsor will award honorary degrees to physician Caroline Hamm and engineering professor emeritus Philip H. Alexander during its 118th Convocation celebration this weekend.

Dr. Hamm is chair of oncology at the Schulich School of Medicine’s Windsor Campus.

More than 2,300 students will gather at the newly-opened Toldo Lancer Centre (TLC) this Friday and Saturday for five sessions of University Convocation. She is the clinical research director of the Windsor Cancer Research Group, working to enhance both local and cross border research initiatives, chairs the Windsor Regional Hospital Research and Academic Committee, and leads the Complex Hematology Program development in Windsor.

Oct 7th, 2022
booth at the Canadian Greenhouse ConferenceOfficials from the University of Windsor and Horteca showcased their expertise at the Canadian Greenhouse Conference, Oct. 5 and 6 in Niagara Falls.

Regional partnership to advance agricultural research

The University of Windsor announced a local partnership to advance agricultural research, development, and innovation in the Windsor-Essex region Thursday during the Canadian Greenhouse Conference (CGC).

The University of Windsor and Horteca — a joint venture of greenhouse operator JEM Farms and Ecoation, developers of pest management and yield forecasting platforms — will establish and operate a two-acre fully operational innovation greenhouse for research, proof-of-concept designs, and partnership opportunities with industry and community partners.

Under the banner “Agriculture at UWindsor” (AgUWin), the space will provide access to prime growing and technical environments for researchers and industry, with the ability to field test the deployment of upcoming technologies in a cost-effective, secure, and safe environment.

Sep 30th, 2022
Gordie Howe International Bridge
Civil engineering student Farnaz Zahedieh explored lane configurations and tolling systems for the Gordie Howe International Bridge.

Tolling research completed through Community Benefits Partnership

A University of Windsor engineering student is one step closer to graduation after completing her thesis on advanced tolling systems related to the Gordie Howe International Bridge project. The research was supported by the Annual Research Partnership, an initiative of the project’s Community Benefits Plan.

As part of her Master’s degree in civil and environmental engineering, Farnaz Zahedieh tested the impacts of a new toll information system and various lane configurations on traffic performance and safety using a computerized simulation model, under the supervision of professor Chris Lee.

Sep 15th, 2022
Miniature robotsMiniature robots built by mechatronics students display a variety of designs for a variety of tasks.

Course combines mechanical and electronic skills

A fourth-year course for students of mechanical engineering draws in disciplines of electrical engineering and computer science to deliver a unique learning experience.

Professor Jalal Ahamed requires students in his Mechatronics class to develop small-scale working robots to solve a real-world engineering problem. The students challenge themselves to create something inventive, interesting, and creative — and they deliver.

“The open-ended aspect of the projects actively engages them to be innovative and to connect theories with real-world engineering problem-solving,” Dr. Ahamed says.

Mechanical systems are at the core of the course; he instructs students to make them more precise, smart, and autonomous via the integration of electronics and programming.

To build a robot that interacts, navigates, and

Sep 15th, 2022
Marko JovanovicElectrical engineering student Marko Jovanovic is one of the founders of the UWindsor AI Club.

Club an outlet for interest in artificial intelligence

In early 2020, Marko Jovanovic was a second-year electrical engineering student looking for a co-op opportunity. He began working with professor Mitra Mirhassani as a research assistant using artificial intelligence to analyze hardware cybersecurity devices, which led him to co-author with a graduate student a research paper and sparked his interest in machine learning.

With friends Iliana Meco, Evan Stanely, and Ishan Kumar, Jovanovic founded the UWindsor AI Club in December 2020. Started as a way to rally engineering students to learn more about artificial intelligence through projects and presentations, the club has grown to more than 100 members from a range of disciplines. It hosts events with speakers from large tech companies such as Microsoft and Google discussing the capabilities of AI and its future in business.

Sep 12th, 2022
Eric Pillon, Jake Blythe, and Zachary Azar
UWindsor engineering students Eric Pillon, Jake Blythe, and Zachary Azar helped the Hiram Walker distillery customize software to monitor its production lines.


Student project applies automotive solution to distillery production

Hiram Walker & Sons faced a challenge on its production line, and a team of UWindsor engineering students helped develop a solution.

The problem was that the distillery’s managers and operators were unable to properly monitor production. If the line stopped at any particular point, adjacent operators did not know why, because they were unable to see over walls or through machines.

The company’s production manager had seen software used in other industries to address these challenges and wondered whether it could apply in his plant.

Enter electrical and computer engineering students Jake Blythe, Zachary Azar, and Eric Pillon. Blythe had worked a co-op placement at Hiram Walker and suggested this venture to his classmates as their fourth-year capstone project.

Under the direction of professor Rashid Rashidzadeh, the team licensed software typically used in the automotive sector and refashioned it to meet the needs of distillery production.

The new application enables managers, supervisors, and line operators to see different functions along the line. Managers might see up-to-date and historical data from their offices without having to go out to the line to see what the problem is. Line operators now can determine issues in real-time.




Sep 8th, 2022
Photo of Ford Mustang Mach-E

Researcher teams up with Ford to build a better brake rotor

A UWindsor engineering professor has joined forces with Ford Motor Co. of Canada and auto parts manufacturer NUCAP Industries on a $1.14 million research project to develop an environmentally friendly brake rotor that would last the lifetime of your car.

Xueyuan Nie is developing a cost-effective coating technology to make brake rotors resistant to corrosion and reduce emissions from wear. Ford proposes to one day use the rotors on its line of electric vehicles, making those vehicles even greener by eliminating the pollution caused by braking.

"This project will assist auto manufacturers and parts suppliers to get closer to producing real emission-free vehicles, towards the goal of electromobility for everyone," Dr. Nie said.

Aug 12th, 2022
students showing moulded seat

A team of Windsor engineering students worked with industry partners to develop a more efficient method of producing custom wheelchair seats for children with special needs.


A manufacturing process developed with help from UWindsor engineering students can help children with special needs get a customized wheelchair faster.

The team, fourth-year engineering majors Luka Mlinarevic, Pavneet Sarao, Alea Mclellan, Jasmine Bull, and Saifaldin Abdelhamid under the direction of professor Colin Novak, has been working with the John McGivney Children’s Centre (JMCC) to speed up its production of specialized seats uniquely designed to meet the specific needs of each child.

The high-quality individualized seats are better suited to young clients than those procured off the shelf, explained team member Bull.

“These custom-moulded seats make a huge difference for these children by providing optimal alignment and support while improving their well-being,” she said.

The new process, presented during the Faculty of Engineering Design Demo Day on July 29, has the potential to reduce production time to three or four weeks rather than the current six to eight months. It will introduce innovative technologies with support from Harbour Technologies, Valiant TMS, and other local partners.

Aug 9th, 2022
Haein Jeon, Yong Hoon Kim, Yujin Park, Jiyeong Kang, Eunsik Kim, and Chris Lee.

Students visiting from South Korea’s Ewha Womans University will work with UWindsor researchers to improve the performance of self-driving vehicles. From left: Haein Jeon, Yong Hoon Kim, Yujin Park, Jiyeong Kang, Eunsik Kim, and Chris Lee.

East meets West in autonomous vehicle research

A visit from South Korean students will contribute to global advancements in self-driving automobile technology, says a UWindsor engineering professor.

Eunsik Kim is one of four professors — three in engineering and one in computer science — hosting students in his lab from Ewha Womans University in Seoul, the largest women’s university in the world. Master’s students Haein Jeon and Jiyeong Kang, and doctoral student Yujin Park are here as a part of a $460,000 in research projects funded by South Korea’s Ministry of Science. Two other students will arrive in October, with each of the five students staying for six months.

“The global competition to develop advanced connected and autonomous vehicles technology globally is intense,” said Dr. Kim. “The demand for highly qualified personnel in this industry is expected to grow as the sales of autonomous cars increase.”

Aug 3rd, 2022

Auto parts manufacturer Magna International will hold a tech talk and recruitment event Thursday in the Centre for Engineering Innovation.

Representatives of Magna International, one of North America’s largest manufacturers of automotive parts, will be on the UWindsor campus Thursday, Aug. 4, to discuss careers with the company.

Presented by the student branch of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the event will offer insight from recent UWindsor grads now working for Magna: what technical skills are in demand, how to apply for a position, and how to kickstart your career in engineering.