Proficiency Testing

Proficiency Testing for ABQ Mathematics, Intermediate and AQ French as a Second Language, Part 1

 Continuing Teacher Education (AQ, ABQ, PQP, IB) Students, If you need to take a Proficiency test, an online test will be administered.  

Testing Fee

The cost of taking the test is $50.  This is not included in the course fee. The $50 test fee is non-refundable. You must register and pay for the course prior to taking the test.

Candidates who have not paid for the online test or who have not registered in the course will not be permitted to take the test.  You can pay for the test using at the Continuing Education course registration site.  The option to pay for the test is under Special Requests under your student account options. Contact if you need assistance

Registration site -


Test Duration

Two hours is allowed to complete proficiency tests.


Passing Grade

The minimum passing grade is 70%.


French Proficiency Test

Test Dates

79-100 AQ French as a Second Language Part 1  

  • Winter 2025 testing:  Online testing will be set up between  January 11, 2025 to January 15, 2025

If you need to take the test, contact  to be added to the testing site and for details regarding the test.


Test Exemptions

Candidates who believe that they may be eligible for exemption must contact at least 5 business days prior to the stated test date with a copy of their applicable university transcripts. Transcripts may be emailed to

  • If you have attended a Francophone University, such as Montreal, Laval, Chicoutimi, Quebec, Sudbury, Laurentian and Ottawa, where the language of instruction was French for all university courses completed, you may apply for an exemption from writing the test.
  • Graduated from a French-speaking high school
  • Graduated from a French Immersion High school with a certificate of completion
  • Proficiency testing results from other Institutions may be considered for exemptions. Admission offers from other institutions are not considered for exemptions.
  • In extenuating circumstances, candidates may have an interview with the Continuing Education Program Coordinator concerning the proficiency test.

Preparing for the Test

Candidates are advised to prepare well for the test. To improve oral fluency consider:

  • listening to a French radio station
  • watching television, movies, films or plays in French
  • speaking French with friends or family
  • taking French classes at post-secondary institutions such as Collège Boréal

To improve written fluency consider:

  • reviewing all tenses of verbs, spelling, use of specific tenses such as l'imparfait, le conditionnel, le subjonctif, le passé composé
  • reading in French to review vocabulary
  • practising a cloze test by photocopying a paragraph and whiting out about twenty words. Later, fill in the blanks and compare your answers with the original copy.
  • purchasing or accessing multimedia programs such as Success in French
  • reviewing grammar books that you already have
  • searching the Internet for sites on French language

You may also wish to contact institutions that offer French courses such as Collège Boréal, your local community colleges or universities. It would also be advisable to seek out immersion French courses offered by travel agencies such as areas in Quebec or other francophone speaking areas.

Here are the websites that may help you in preparing for the test:


Math Proficiency Test

Test Dates

  • Winter 2025 testing:  This ABQ will not be offered for winter 2025. Testing is not available during this semester.
  • Spring 2025 testing:  Online testing will be set up from April 8, 2025 to April 11, 2025
  • Summer 2025 testing:  TBA
  • Fall 2025 testing:  TBA

Print Resources

  • Grade 7/8
  • Nelson Mathematics 7-8 (2005)
  • Pearson Math Makes Sense 7-8 (2005)
  • Grade 9/10
  • McGraw Hill Principles of Mathematics 9-10 (2006, 2007)
  • Nelson Principles of Mathematics 9-10 (2006)
  • Pearson Math 9 (2005) Online Resources:

Curriculum Topics Covered

Below is a listing of most of the topics in each of the grade 7-10 math curriculums. For the grade 9 and 10 curriculum, the focus will be on the academic versions of those courses. While this is meant to be a good representation of these curricula, not all topics will be covered to the same degree.

Grade 7&8 Curriculum

Strand: Number Sense and Numeration

  • Ordering decimals, fractions and integers
  • Generating multiples and factors of numbers
  • Perfect squares and square roots
  • Operations with fractions, decimals, and integers
  • Connecting fractions, decimals, percents and ratios
  • Solving problems dealing with percents, ratios and unit rates
  • Exponential Notation
  • Convert between fractions, decimals and percents
  • Prime factorization
  • Order of operations with integers

Strand: Measurement

  • Convert between metric units for linear, area and volume measurements
  • Solve problems involving areas of trapezoids
  • Calculate the area of two dimensional composite figures
  • Calculate the volume and surface area of right prisms of varying base shapes
  • solve problems that require conversions involving metric units of area, volume, and capacity
  • Circumference and Area of Circles
  • Surface area and volume of cylinders

Strand: Geometry and Spatial Sense

  • Sort and classify triangles and quadrilaterals
  • Use Triangle theorems to prove congruency
  • Determine whether two shapes are similar
  • Plot points on the Cartesian plane
  • Relationship between perimeter, area and length of similar shapes
  • Parallel lines, and angle theorems
  • Use Pythagorean Theorem

Strand: Patterning and Algebra

  • Understand linear growing patterns
  • Evaluation of numeric expressions
  • Solving simple linear equations
  • Understanding and representing linear patterns numerically, algebraically and graphically
  • Evaluating algebraic expressions

Strand: Data Management and Probability

  • Collect and organize categorical, discrete or continuous primary and secondary data
  • Read, interpret and draw conclusions from primary data
  • Make predictions based on probability
  • Represent the outcomes of a probability experiment
  • Calculate the theoretical probability of events
  • Organize data in graphs and tables and make inferences based on these
  • Calculate measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode)

Grade 9&10 Academic Curriculum

Strand: Number Sense and Algebra

  • Evaluate expressions that include exponents and require order of operations
  • Understand exponent rules
  • Solve problems requiring rate, ratio and percent
  • Understand squaring and square root
  • Add, subtract, multiply and simplify polynomial expressions
  • Solve equations
  • Rearrange formulas

Strand: Linear Relations

  • Create and interpret scatter plots including creating lines of best fit and making inferences
  • Represent linear equations numerically, algebraically and graphically and be able to convert between each
  • Be able to distinguish between linear and non linear relationships numerically, algebraically and graphically
  • Understand the difference between direct and partial variation
  • Understand the effects on a linear relationship as the initial value and/or the rate of change varies

Strand: Analytic Geometry

  • Describe the difference between slope & y-intercept form and standard form of a linear relation and be able to convert between the two forms
  • Be able to calculate the slope of a line segment in a variety of ways
  • Interpret the values in the equation y = mx + b and understand the properties of slope
  • Be able to graph various forms of linear equations and determine the equation of a graph given information about that graph
  • Determine the point of intersection of two linear relationships graphically, using the method of elimination or substitution
  • Use the formulas of the midpoint and length of a line segment
  • Use and understand the equation of a circle x2 + y2 = r2

Strand: Measurement and Geometry

  • Optimization of perimeter and area of rectangular shapes
  • Solve problems using the Pythagorean theorem
  • Solve problems of area and perimeter of 2D composite shapes
  • Solve problems involving the surface area and volume of prisms, pyramids, cones, cylinders and spheres including composite shapes
  • Determine values of angles in polygons and with parallel lines

Strand: Quadratic Relations in the Form y = ax2 + bx + c

  • Graph and describe key features of relations in the form y = ax2 + bx + c
  • Graph and describe key features of relations in the form y = a(x – h)2 + k
  • Given the graph of a parabola, determine its equation
  • Expand and factor 2nd degree polynomials
  • Solve quadratic equations by factoring, completing the square, graphing and the quadratic formula

Strand: Trigonometry

  • Solve similar triangles and compare similarity and congruence
  • Use the primary trigonometric ratios to solve right triangles
  • Use the sine law and cosine law to solve problems

The formulas for perimeter, area and volume will be given on the test paper. All other formulas and conversion factors will not.