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WE-SPARK Health Institute releases quarterly report

WE-SPARK Health Institute, now in its fourth year, has released its 1st quarter report, highlighting key accomplishments from May 2022 – July 2022.

The institute is a partnership between Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare, St. Clair College, the University of Windsor and Windsor Regional Hospital designed to take healthcare to the next level through research. WE-SPARK communicates quarterly through these reports to its members and the Windsor-Essex community.

WE-SPARK annual report indicates the partnership continues to grow and serve the regionWE-SPARK annual report shows growth

Annual report shows WE-SPARK growth

WE-SPARK Health Institute has released its second annual report indicating the Windsor-Essex research community continues to achieve more together.

“WE-SPARK accelerates and strengthens collaborations, and provides tools and resources needed for health research across Windsor-Essex to excel,” said Lisa Porter, WE-SPARK Executive Director.