Professor Shari Forbes collects decomposition odour to identify the key compounds that cadaver dogs alert to. UWindsor gains expertise in bats, brains, and body farms Sep 19th, 2022 Seven faculty members from various areas of science will join five departments. Tags: Chris HouserShari ForbesHannah ter HofstedeVijendra SharmaBrian DeVealeSteven Ruoyu ChenTom GrondinKevin Graanville
Tom Grondin will take up the position of manager of actuarial science programs in the UWindsor math and stats department July 1. Industry experience of new manager to benefit actuarial science programs Jun 1st, 2022 Alumnus Tom Grondin will take up the position of manager of actuarial science programs in the UWindsor math and stats department July 1.Tags: Tom GrondinRick Caron