Apr 5th, 2021
The Dubious Dabbers from the Leddy Library won a luncheon as the top team in the Bingo4Health health and wellness engagement challenge.
The Dubious Dabbers from the Leddy Library won a luncheon as the top team in the Bingo4Health health and wellness engagement challenge.
The Leddy Library has installed three exercise desks to provide a healthy study environment.
Students spend a day with the friendly dogs of the Therapeutic Paws of Canada. Take part on April 9, from noon to 1:30 p.m.
Ric Moor will share insights from more than 30 years in the music business in his free public presentation “Love ’em or Hate ’em: Understanding Pianos,” Wednesday, January 11 at 4 p.m. in the Music Building’s Recital Hall, room 139.
A trained piano technician, Moor is also director of the University Wind Ensemble.