Roger Rivard first joined the UWindsor staff in May 1974.
Roger Rivard first joined the UWindsor staff in May 1974.
Ongoing renovations in Dillon Hall will shut down the building’s fire alarm system each weekday through August 31 from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The contractor will maintain a fire watch to ensure the safety of the building occupants. Please direct any questions or concerns to project administrator Roger Rivard at 519-253-3000, ext. 2166.
Dillon Hall is going dry for a week.
The building will have no water service—no sinks, no water fountains—from June 8 through 15, while contractors upgrade its washrooms. The shut down will begin at 8 a.m. Friday, June 8. The water should start flowing again the evening of June 15.
Project administrator Roger Rivard invites questions or concerns at 519-253-3000, ext. 2166.
Renovations in Dillon Hall will close the building’s washrooms and restrict access to other areas through the summer, Facility Services reports.
The washroom renovations are scheduled for completion by August 31. Until that time, all washrooms in Dillon Hall will be closed; washrooms are available in the adjoining buildings--Essex Hall, Memorial Hall, the University Computer Centre and the CAW Student Centre.