
Video sounds note of thanks to University donors

A video message sent to UWindsor donors Thursday gives students a chance to express their gratitude, says Jody Maskery, director of advancement services.

“We just wanted to send a thank-you note to all the people who have supported the University’s students and programs through the year,” Maskery says. “We hope to show the appreciation of the prime beneficiaries of their generosity—our students who have been given the opportunity to succeed.”

India Canada Association boosts dandeliion root cancer treatment research

Siyaram Pandey’s Kevin Couvillon Research Project on Anticancer Effects of Dandelion Root Extract, got another boost from the community yesterday when the India Canada Association presented a cheque for $5000 to Dr. Pandey during a ceremony in Essex Hall. The ICA, which has a long history of supporting community initiatives, raised the money at its annual fund-raising dinner in October, which featured India’s consul general to Toronto, Preeti Saran, as its guest of honour.

New map identifies Great Lakes environmental hot spots

The Great Lakes are at risk of “death by a thousand cuts,” according to a University of Windsor biologist who was part of an international team of scientists who spent three years identifying the worst threats to one of the world’s largest supplies of fresh water.

Wednesday deadline for holiday host applications

Wednesday, December 19, is the deadline for applications to the Host for the Holidays program, which program places international students with Windsor families willing to open their homes to guests for a holiday dinner.

International student advisor Enrique Chacon says the students are interested in joining a typical Canadian celebration, so host families do not need to go to a lot of trouble.

Scientific approach nets Caboto cookbook for trivia contest winner

Laura McLean, secretary to the dean of science, is in a distinct minority. She was one of just two respondents to get every answer correct in Wednesday’s trivia quiz marking the 12th day of the 12th month of the 12th year.

Since hers was the name that came out of the hat, McLean received a copy of Cooking with Giovanni Caboto, courtesy of the University Bookstore.

One question in particular tripped up the majority of contestants—the final gift in The 12 Days of Christmas. In her e-mail response, McLean called it a “trick question.”

Video documents art and ecology parade

A video by UWindsor communications grad Christiaan Meyer documents the September 29 Art and Ecology Sidewalk Parade, a performance artwork by professor Jennifer Willet of the School for Arts and Creative Innovation.

“The project was intended to draw participants, audiences and community members into discussions about art and ecology in the Windsor area,” Dr. Willet says. “Local artists, scientists and species—microscopic organisms, invasive species, home-grown vegetables, household pests, etc.—were represented in this delightful re-telling of our local ecology.”

Sing-along concert to raise organ donation awareness

A trio of music professors will join a UWindsor grad for a concert and sing-along at Windsor’s All Saints’ Church, Sunday, December 16. The event will raise money for organ donation awareness.

Pianist Gregory Butler and organist David Palmer have been asked for several years to put on a special Christmas performance but have never had time until now.

“Not only have we found the time to do this, but All Saints’ has graciously provided the space,” Dr. Butler posted on the website of sponsor Sport Fest Windsor.