office of Research & Innovation Services

Ken Bishop, Landau Gage vice president of operations (l.) and Research Centre for Integrated Microsystems manager Dr. Rashid Rashidzadeh (r.) pose with their newly developed device “contactless coordinate measuring machineKen Bishop, Landau Gage vice president of operations (l.) and Research Centre for Integrated Microsystems manager Dr. Rashid Rashidzadeh (r.) pose with their newly developed device “contactless coordinate measuring machine.”

Real world experience leads to payoff for student research team

A successful collaboration with the Landau Gage Company has helped a UWindsor research team sell their product and secure a research grant, while landing two team members a job and internship. 

Event to celebrate local opportunities

Maureen Lucas, founding president of the LucasWorks human resources consulting firm, will join City of Windsor chief administrative officer Helga Reidel today for a Toast to Opportunities in Windsor.

The free public wine and cheese reception runs 4:15 to 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 24, at the Downtown Accelerator, 720 Ouellette Avenue.
