Grants from the Blackburn Foundation and the Strategic Priority Fund enabled the digital journalism program to launch a mobile production unit.
Grants from the Blackburn Foundation and the Strategic Priority Fund enabled the digital journalism program to launch a mobile production unit.
Campus donors to the Annual Giving Program campaign are invited to a celebratory reception today.
It was cold in Windsor on Wednesday, but hearing testimonies to the winners of Employee Recognition Awards was enough to warm anyone’s heart, chief human resources officer Rita LaCivita told a reception gathered in Vanier Hall to honour the inaugural group of award recipients.
The Department of Human Resources invites the campus community to the first annual Employee Recognition Awards reception, Wednesday, January 23, from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in Vanier Hall’s Winclare A.
This event has been designed to celebrate the outstanding contributions of all employees to the achievement of the University’s mission and vision, says chief human resources officer Rita LaCivita.
At this event, the Employee Recognition Program Awards will be presented to the following individuals/teams: