An Appreciation and Feedback Barbecue on Tuesday, Feb. 12, will allow students to share feedback about UWinsite Student.
UWinsite Student, the University’s new student information platform, launched on Monday, Nov. 26.
UWinsite Engage and UWinsite Service are designed to support communication and service experiences for constituents.
UWinsite Finance, the University’s new financial information system, went live February 1.
A network of designated Change Champions in each area will connect the campus community with the UWinsite Project.
Ryan Kenney will take up an appointment as executive director of Information Technology Services effective May 1.
Responses by UWindsor faculty, post-doctoral researchers and PhD students to a cross-Canada survey will offer important information and guidance to the Library Collections Review project, says Joan Dalton, associate university librarian.
The disruption to services during the network upgrade set for Saturday extends to library databases.
A November survey will guide efforts by the Leddy Library to meet the evolving needs of scholars.