Governors In-Course Medal

Student Michael Altenhof has been awarded the 2024 Board of Governors In-Course MedalDr. Bruce Minaker, MAME department head; Dr. Afsaneh Edrisy, associate dean - academics; Michael Altenhof (mechanical engineering student), Dr. Bill Van Heyst, dean of engineering.

Faculty of Engineering extends congratulations to Governors In-Course Medal winner

Third-year mechanical engineering student Michael Altenhof has been awarded the 2024 Board of Governors In-Course Medal, marking the second consecutive year he has received this honour.

The award is presented to the undergraduate student with the highest cumulative average in their field of study at the end of the preceding regular session.

Altenhof achieved an outstanding cumulative average of 98 per cent, the highest in the Faculty of Engineering. This follows his receipt of the same award in 2023, highlighting his consistent excellence in academics.