The University of Windsor will be proceeding with an organizational restructuring to create the role of Vice-President, Finance and Operations.
A survey of the campus community invites comment on a new Responsible Investment Policy.
A short survey will explore the impact of transitioning to a cashless campus.
The University of Windsor has signed on to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment.
The Financial Accounting and Reporting team has prepared and circulated a memorandum outlining cut-off dates for year-end reports.
Training sessions in UWinsite purchasing and expenses processes are set for Dec. 11 and 13.
An upgrade to UWinsite Finance over the weekend introduced a fresh look to the system.
The University’s new financial information system, UWinsite Finance, has been operational for a month.
“On behalf of the UWinsite Finance implementation team and the Department of Finance, I want to thank the hundreds of staff and faculty members who have attended training,” says Gillian Heisz, University controller and lead of the UWinsite Finance implementation. “Your assistance helping others use UWinsite Finance is greatly appreciated.”
With the transition to the new financial information system, the campus community is asked to note the following:
UWinsite Finance, the University’s new financial information system, went live February 1.