
Photo of laptop, notepad and accessories on a desk.

Orientation workshop for new GAs and TAs

The 2022 annual orientation workshop for new Graduate and Teaching Assistants (GAs and TAs) from all faculties and departments will be held on Wednesday, September 7, 2022.

The event will be held virtually from 3 p.m. to 5p.m. (EST). Advance registration is not required. Visit this page for event agenda and details.

Winter GatAcademy rescheduledWinter GatAcademy rescheduled

Winter GATAcademy tentatively rescheduled.

The Centre for Teaching and Learning’s Winter GATAcademy, originally scheduled for January 3 and 4, has been tentatively rescheduled to take place January 13 and 14. Interested participants are encouraged to monitor the website in the new year for further details.

The GATA Network Development Team works with GAs and TAs across campus, introducing them to mentors and resources they will need to improve their pedagogical knowledge and skills.

Laptop computer displaying GATAcademyGATAcademy will host a virtual live event for GAs and TAs Sept. 8

Orientation workshop for new GAs and TAs

GATAcademy, the university’s annual orientation workshop for new graduate and teaching assistants from all faculties and departments will be held Wednesday, September 8, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. as a virtual live event. 

GATAcademy 2021 will feature resources and activities relevant to both new and experienced GAs and TAs, with topics including the use of Blackboard Collaborate Ultra, Blackboard, and Microsoft Teams, as well as best practices in grading, policy, feedback, and more.  

No registration is required
