Lancer soccer will play the first home games of 2023, Saturday against York. Suiting up for the blue and gold are Natalie Hogeterp, Devin Hernandez, and Hailey Smith. Soccer to kick off home season Saturday Sep 8th, 2023 Lancer varsity soccer teams will play their home openers Saturday, Sept. 9.Tags: Natalie HogeterpDevin HernandezHailey Smith
Nolan Gardiner, Matt Dorsey, and their Lancer men’s hockey teammates are ranked seventh nationally heading into this weekend’s competition. Men’s hockey headlines weekend varsity action Nov 11th, 2022 Nolan Gardiner, Matt Dorsey, and their Lancer men’s hockey teammates are ranked seventh nationally heading into this weekend’s competition. Tags: Mike CircelliBrad LidsterMuftah AgeliZack BensonDevin HernandezKat CampanaLauren GellnerGrace MelickKailyn RobertsonNolan GardinerMatt Dorsey