The Summer of the Wham 3 campaign offers free delivery of Whamburg foods through third-party services.
The Summer of the Wham 3 campaign offers free delivery of Whamburg foods through third-party services.
Restaurateur Adam El-Dika plans to offer returning patrons some of their favourite items from the former Mare Nostrum menu.
Whamburg has extended its hours of operation.
Mare Nostrum will cease operation this week in favour of the new burger restaurant, Whamburg.
Mare Nostrum, the restaurant located adjacent to the Education Building, is now welcoming patrons to its dining room.
Mare Nostrum restaurant is opening for dinner service on Thursdays.
The campus eatery Mare Nostrum will re-open for takeout and delivery service starting Monday, May 25.
Patrons may now use the UwinCARD to settle their bills at Mare Nostrum.
A new restaurant and bar, Mare Nostrum, opened this week in the space adjacent to the Education Building.