Kelly Gosselin, Liza Strik, Gordon OrrFirst-year movement science major Liza Strik (centre) accepts a cheque representing one semester’s tuition from acting director of the alumni office Kelly Gosselin and University of Windsor Alumni Association president Gordon Orr.

Prizes and presentations welcome new students

Liza Strik was glad she listened to her inner voice. The first-year student of movement science says she was about to leave the Welcoming Celebration early when she thought: “What if I win the tuition prize draw?”

Staying for the draw led Strik to win up to $4,000 in tuition remission, sponsored by the University of Windsor Alumni Association, at Wednesday’s event greeting the incoming class of undergraduates.

“My parents are going to be amazed,” she said as she claimed her prize. “They’re the ones paying for my tuition this year.”

A native of Woodstock, she did not rate the draw win as the high point of her orientation activities to date, instead saying the best part is “getting to know my new friends.”

Alumni association president Gordon Orr said conferring the prize warmed his heart: “You see how appreciative she is to win, and you know you got to give them a little boost as they start their Lancer journey.”

Other winners included:

  • Beachside Builders from engineering as top participants in Welcome Week,
  • the Sea Cells team from science as most spirited faculty team, and
  • human kinetics student Joseph Lichaa as best Welcome Week student leader.

Classes start today in most programs; find a complete schedule of Welcome Week activities on the orientation website.

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