Ming Zheng

Bala Balasingham in electric vehicle laboratoryElectric and computer engineering professor Bala Balasingham has been awarded a $230,000 Discovery Grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada to expand his research into the safety, efficiency, and reliability of electric vehicle batteries.

UWindsor researchers awarded more than $3.8 million in NSERC grants

NSERC has announced more than $3.8 million in new funding for 22 UWindsor researchers.
The 2018 Perspective Magazine features automotive research from the University of Windsor's Faculty of Engineering.The 2018 Perspective Magazine features automotive research from the University of Windsor's Faculty of Engineering.

Windsor automotive research featured in Perspective magazine

The University of Windsor’s research into automotive innovation was recently featured in a magazine that will be read across Canada.

The work of professors Daniel Green, Narayan Kar, Colin Novak, Kemal Tepe, and Ming Zheng is highlighted in Perspective, a magazine published by the Windsor Essex Economic Development Corporation and distributed through the Globe and Mail.

To read the article, visit the Perspective website.

Ming ZhengThe Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) has named UWindsor engineering professor Ming Zheng an SAE Fellow.

Automotive researcher honoured by international peers

The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) has named UWindsor engineering professor Ming Zheng an SAE Fellow in recognition of his achievements in engineering, science and leadership.

SAE International is a global association of more than 138,000 engineers and related technical experts in the aerospace, automotive and commercial vehicle industries.


University Club closed Friday

The University Club will be closed Friday, February 3, for maintenance issues, Food Services reports.

The restaurant, located on the ground floor of Vanier Hall, will re-open for lunch as usual Monday.
