Contest calls on student storytellers to promote SSHRC funded research

Aspiring filmmakers, storytellers, journalists and social media masters are being called upon to show Canadians how social sciences and humanities research is affecting our lives, our world and our future prosperity.

Research for a Better Life: The Storytellers is a new competition to promote excellence in research communications and gives students a shot to win $3,000.

Sponsored by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, the contest calls on students to submit a three-minute pitch describing an innovative SSHRC-funded research project being done at their university. The project can be theirs or it can belong to a scholar at their institution, provided they get permission first.

Students may submit entries in the medium of their choice from among text, video, audio and infographic. Whatever the format, pitches need to be creative, compelling and clear.

The top 25 submissions will receive a prize valued at $3,000, an invitation to a special communications workshop at Congress 2013 in Victoria and the chance to deliver their pitch in front of a live audience at the Storytellers Showcase. A jury will choose five final winners to deliver a featured presentation at this year’s World Social Science Forum in Montreal.

SSHRC will accept submissions from February 16 through March 1. A link to SSHRC’s Awards Search Engine will be featured on the contest webpage to help students identify SSHRC-funded research projects.