Michelle Freeman, Natalie Giannotti, and Susan DennisonMichelle Freeman, Natalie Giannotti, and Susan Dennison of the UWindsor Faculty of Nursing won notice for their research fighting errors in administering medication.

Nursing professors the people’s choice in patient safety

UWindsor nursing instructors Michelle Freeman, Susan Dennison, and Natalie Giannotti had their project receive the People’s Choice Award at the Quality and Safety in Nursing Education International Forum, May 2019 in Cleveland, Ohio.

Their quality improvement project was titled “Student Medication Errors, Near Misses and Discovered Errors: What did we learn about the rights of medication administration?

Dr. Giannotti noted the awards competition was stiff.

“There were over 100 excellent posters,” she said. “There was a great deal of interest in our framework for medication incident reporting and our findings.”

Dennison, a learning specialist in clinical practice, said the Faculty of Nursing has spent 10 years redesigning medication policy and practices.

“Our program has been recognized for implementing innovative strategies that support medication safety for nursing students,” she said.

“Interdisciplinary partnerships, that include pharmacists and nurses from our local hospitals, have been key in the success of our work. Our incident reporting system, with an emphasis on near-miss reporting, is our most recent innovation.”

The group also delivered an oral presentation at the conference, and pledged to continue its work in this important area, said Dr. Freeman.

“Our work received a great deal of attention because of its implications for nursing practice and for nursing education,” she said. “Our findings challenge some of the long-held beliefs on the nursing ‘rights’ of medication administration.”

The forum focused on using informatics and simulation to improve quality and safety education and practice.

cellphone displaying UWindsor Alert screenIn the event of an incident, the UWindsor Alert notification system enables Campus Police to send out information to all registered devices.

Systems set up to safeguard security

A test Friday of the UWindsor Alert notification system helped Campus Community Police identify some issues it needs to address, says director Mike Mackinnon.

“We sent texts, phone calls, and email messages to about 2,000 users,” he says. “We know we need to engage in a public education campaign to get more of our students and employees to sign up for the alerts.”

In the event of an incident, the system enables Campus Police to send out information to all registered devices. Mackinnon calls it “an invaluable tool” in keeping people safe.

He would also like to see more use of the Safe Lancer app, which features one-touch access to police services, a map of reported crimes on- and off-campus, and access to University emergency plans and procedures.

“It’s a wonderful resource and it’s free,” says Mackinnon.

The Safe Lancer app is available for download; find details and a full list of features here.

To register for the UWindsor Alert system, enter your UWin ID and password at uwindsor.ca/alert.

Darcy WearDarcy Wear presents his poster at the Natural Health Products Research Society of Canada.

Student research on natural health products wins national notice

Two students from professor Siyaram Pandey’s biochemistry lab won awards at the annual meeting of the Natural Health Products Research Society of Canada, May 27 in Edmonton.

Caleb Vegh, a doctoral candidate in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, received a travel award as well as a second-place prize for his poster presentation. Darcy Wear, a third-year in health and biomedical science, also received a travel award, and finished second out of 11 participants in a “Three Minute Thesis” style competition.

“We are very proud of both these students,” Dr. Pandey says. “They are wonderful representatives of the University of Windsor and our science programs in particular.”

Vegh says he has been able to flourish as a researcher since joining Pandey’s lab.

“Dr. Pandey really helps in stimulating our research,” says Vegh. “He is always providing guidance and support, and really pushes us to do our best.”

He calls the conference perhaps the most exciting time of the year: “We got to interact with other academics in the field, the industry, and even the government sector.”

Wear says he found the experience extremely rewarding.

“It’s always exciting to be recognized for our hard work as it shows that what we’re doing really matters,” says Wear.

Wear’s presentation was titled Autophagy Resumption by Ubisol-Q10 Ameliorates Alzheimer’s Disease Symptoms and Pathologies; Vegh’s poster explored Neuroprotective and Anti-inflammatory Effects of Combined Treatment with Ubisol-Q10 and Ashwagandha Root Extract in a Paraquat Induced Rat Model of Parkinson’s Disease.

The research in Pandey’s lab is done in collaboration with Jerome Cohen from the Department of Psychology, and is additionally funded by the Szecsei Family Donation, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Next Remedies, and the Parkinson Society.

—Darko Milenkovic

Safety recall issued on Groupwork tables

Steelcase has issued a recall on all its Groupwork tables with flip top legs shipped between September 2005 and March 2016 — style numbers TS4FL2724TC2 and TS4FL2730TC2.

The UWindsor Purchasing office advises that there are some in use across campus.

A free retrofit will connect the independent legs to prevent them from collapsing if the locking mechanism fails. To schedule a service call at no cost, contact Bruce Rodgers at POI Business Interiors, brodgers@poi.ca.

Steelcase table
Purchasing asks any UWindsor office with these Steelcase Groupwork tables to schedule a free modification to ensure the safety of users.

Peers recognize UWindsor executive for leadership

Rosemary Zanutto, executive director of the UWindsor Office of Institutional Analysis, has received an honour from the association representing her equivalents across the province.

The Council on University Planning and Analysis (CUPA) presented Zanutto with the Marty England Memorial Award, which recognizes individuals who have demonstrated leadership and excellence in the field over a sustained period of time.

Zanutto said she is honoured and grateful for the tribute.

“I have always felt it important to be engaged and to contribute when you have something to offer,” she said. “The issues facing universities are significant and we need to work together not only to lighten the workload, but to be effective.”

CUPA, an affiliate of the Council of Ontario Universities, represents staff responsible for universities’ planning and analysis functions.

Randy BradleyRandy Bradley has joined the Board of Directors of the Supply Chain Advancement Network in Health.

New executive takes reins on SCAN Health board

The new president of the board of the Supply Chain Advancement Network in Health (SCAN Health) plans to expand its capacity to transform the industry.

“By building on the extraordinary results to date we will continue to increase patient safety, drive economic growth, and improve health system sustainability,” says Martha Huston. She was elected president after having served as treasurer of SCAN Health; Peter Vaughan succeeds her in that position and Lynne Golding is the new secretary.

Randy Bradley, a supply chain and healthcare information technology strategist and researcher, has joined the board as a new director.

SCAN Health is hosted by the University of Windsor’s Odette School of Business and brings together more than 100 partners from industry, healthcare, government, and academia to advance healthcare supply chain from bench to bedside to patient outcomes.

The Board of Directors provides SCAN Health with governance to steer the organization’s operations and ensure fiscal responsibility. Find the full announcement of changes to its board and expert advisory council on the network’s website.