The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada named Jane McArthur, a doctoral candidate in sociology and social justice at the University of Windsor, one of the five winners of its national Storytellers contest.
The five were selected from among 25 finalists of an annual challenge to find innovative ways to communicate the impact of social sciences and humanities research. The final round of the competition took place June 3 in front of a live audience at the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, hosted by the University of British Columbia in Vancouver.
The Storytellers contest calls on postsecondary students to demonstrate how SSHRC-funded research is making a difference in the lives of Canadians.
McArthur’s presentation explains her research, studying the understanding of breast cancer risks in female workers at the Ambassador Bridge. She interviewed the women to find out what they know about breast cancer risks and if they’d made any connection between their cancer risks and environmental exposure.
Amy Peirone, also a PhD student in the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminology, also represented the University of Windsor in the final showcase with her project, “Location, Location, Location: the Geography of Justice in Canada.”
SSHRC president Ted Hewitt applauded all the finalists.
“Their stories are a source of inspiration as we continue to demonstrate how social sciences and humanities research is important to Canada and the world,” he said.