Last chance to qualify for United Way prize draw

The campus campaign for the United Way will close its 2012 effort January 16; UWindsor employees who make a donation before then may qualify for a prize draw.

Faculty and staff who pledge a minimum of $52—just $2 per pay period—by that date will be entered into a draw for the following prizes:

Contributions are tax-deductible; UWindsor employees can make them painless through payroll deduction, having a set amount deducted from each pay cheque.

The community-wide United Way drive set a 2012 fundraising target of $5.1 million. UWindsor faculty and staff have consistently contributed about $100,000 a year to that total over the last few years, said John McGinlay, a member of the campus campaign organizing committee.

Contact your canvasser for more information or to submit your pledge form, or visit the United Way webpage.

Funding available for women’s campus safety initiatives

The Women’s Campus Safety Grant Committee is seeking applications for funding for initiatives to promote safety for women on campus. The committee encourages creative, innovative proposals from members of the university community, including individuals or groups, faculty, staff and students.

The Women’s Campus Safety Grant Committee is a presidential standing committee established to address women’s safety issues on campus, and in so doing, to establish, promote and improve facilities, programs and services at the University of Windsor. The grant has been funded by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities since 1991.

Submissions are required to support one of the following broad categories/objectives:

  • Facilities and Equipment  (e.g., lighting, mirrors, security cameras)
  • Public Education (e.g., workshops, flyers)
  • Activity Support (e.g., t-shirts or jackets for Campus-Walk programs, resource materials, programs)

Applications for funding requests are available at the Office of Human Rights, Equity and Accessibility,, via e-mail at or call 519-253-3000, ext. 2056. The deadline for submissions is January 31.

Review committee invites feedback on career and co-op services

A committee reviewing the operations of the University’s career and co-op services has issued a call for feedback from faculty, students and staff.

The committee members will provide recommendations on enhancements to meet the needs of students and alumni, says provost Leo Groarke, who initiated the review.

“Among other things, they are interested in receiving feedback on our current operations, how they might be changed, and how they compare to the ways in which other universities manage their career and co-op services,” Dr. Groarke says. “I am looking forward to their suggestions on how we can make the most of this key component of our operations.”

The committee members are:

  • Mitch Fields, professor at the Odette School of Business
  • Chris Busch, assistant director of the Centre for Executive Education
  • Jan Basso, director of Co-operative Education and Career Development at Wilfrid Laurier University

To contact them, please e-mail